Radosław Staroń - A Special Interview >>>

Radosław Staroń - A Special Interview # Armwrestling # Armpower.net


In the history of the Professionals' World Cups the Polish Armwrestling Team have often gained cup medals. At this year's struggles of the world best armwrestlers, so popular around the world Nemiroff World Cup tournament (05th-06th November 2010), our country was represented by 25 best Polish competitors. Among them there was a debutant from Ostroda - Radosław Staroń. This was his first start at such a great  armwrestling event . As it turned out it was a very successful debut. As the only Polish competitor in the Sheraton Sopot Hotel he won the silver medal. This was the undeniable success of both the competitor and the whole Polish Armwrestling Team. Radek indeed, while not being a favorite of the competitions has done something that might have seemed to be impossible - hung about gold (Radek entered the cup-final with one defeat and in the first cup-final he win in the second, unfortunately, had to accept the superiority of the opponent) he become the vice champion of the armwrestling professionals of the 78kg class of the left hand  at Nemiroff World Championships - Sopot 2010. How did this happen? How did he prepare? To these and other questions Radek answered us in short, special interview for the armpower readers.

First Name: Radoslaw
Surname: Staron
City / Club: Gladiator Ostroda
Age: 27 years
Biceps: 39 cm
Forearm: 38 cm
The greatest achievements:
- multiple Polish vice champion
- Polish Champion of 2009
- Polish Cup Winner
- Winner of the 2nd place of the Professionals' World Championships in 2010


Armpower: What is winning the Nemiroff World Championships 2010 for you?
Radosław Staroń: Winning a silver medal at Nemiroff World Championships 2010 is the fulfillment of my most secret sports dreams, the prize for the toughest traininhg,I have had so far. I never expected that I could get this far st my first Nemiroff. I have an incredible motivation for training, in addition, dozens of ideas for new exercises, equipment and training, which I hope will result in the improvement of my weaknesses.

Armpower: You were close to the gold medal, what happened?

Radosław Staroń: Looking at the record from the final fight, I was close! I met Alexander in the qualifying rounds, where I felt that I could win, but I overslept at the start and lost quickly. By the way I did not even know that it is a fight for entering the cup-final directly. Through all my fights I had one goal: to approach the table ... and here I will quote the words of my dad, "You do not have to fight them, you just have to beat them. When I won the semi-final fight with Andrei Malakhov I breathed a sigh of relief, because I proved everyonel that I did not came here by accident. After winning the first final fight I did not believe what had happened and how close to win I am. To some extent, awareness that I can be the first in the most prestigious tournaments, which is undoubtedly Nemiroff World Championships paralyzed me. Then everything started to reach out to me slowly. Alexander in the second final fight streched my hand under his fighting technique very hard, and I did not want to fight from such a setting. I saw a better chance in referees' setting where I could enter the top using my technique, and consequently win. But hey, it is not whorth to do what-if.He was simply better that day. I am very happy with second place. Fortunately, what I have achieved during Nemiroff World Championships in Sopot, no one can take awy from me.

Armpower: Exercise alone? Have you had any special training of preparation?

Radosław Staroń: From when I started to deal with armwrestling I train myself, though there were people who tried to trudge along with me. Unfortunately, everyone crumbled out, with one exception - my sister Natalia, who did not surrender, and is training with me. My most frequent sparring partner was my dad. Interesting, huh? We have adapted all of the training methods. To a certain stage such a training was completely enough. I rarely met other players with whom I could spar. Only recently, I am more likely to pair with the competitor of the Złoty Tur Marcin Furman from Pasłęk and his teammate Adam Gołębiewski from Olsztynek. My preparation training was very diligent. I trained 3 / 4 times a week with heavy weights, not wounded at the same exercise. Idid a lot of running, which allowed me to maintain a very good effciency form and weight within the starts range.

Armpower: How did it happen that you got interested in armwrestling?
Radosław Staroń: I will boast a little, what the hay (laugh). Since I can remember there was always something I carried. In elementary school they were jealous of my figure, though I was the smallest in the class. In the whole school there was only one friend with whom I lost on hand. Today, of course, he does not get on top with me anymore. When the Internet era came to my town (Piławki), I asked my dad to search for all the armwrestling news for me. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out that in Poland, Armwrestling, thanks to the founder of the first Federation - Igor Mazurenko is growing and going in the right direction. I was incredibly excited and I felt that this is what I was looking for. I decided to start at the IV Warsaw Championships and II Wołomin District Championships. It was on 23rd September 2006. After a short, very amateur preparations my friend and then-girlfriend Ilona came to try ourselves on hand. I ranked third at this competition for right hand in the 70kg class. And that's how actually my adventure with armwrestling started. Now, I have been training for the fourth years, with small breaks for regeneration. I hope I will manage to be stuck in this addiction, because for me the sport is undoubtedly the most successful sports addiction, which could have happened to me in my life.

Armpower: What do you do every day? Are you working? Are you studying?
Radosław Staroń: Until recently, I had a machine shop. Currently I'm working with my wife in our Hairdressing and Skin Care Salon. My working time is varied and I can easily connect it to trainings.

Armpower: What does your family think of your interest in armwrestling, do they support you?
Radosław Staroń: Undoubtedly the most support I have is from my wife Ilonka, which agrees with what I am doing in the gym and how much time I devote to this passion. Another person is my dad, who accompanies me during trips to tournaments from the very beginning. I can count on him in every situation and case. With my other half I'm more than nine years, we have a wonderful daughter Ninka, which is two years old. Imagine that she knows what her dad trains and she gets on top with me, yet it did not win with her, maybe one ddy (laugh).

Armpower: Is this an expensive sport?

Radosław Staroń: Like any sport at some stage it is becoming expensive, primarily what affects it is the cost of supplements, consultation with sports specialists, trips to competitions and various other expenses. There is no secret that you need a little money. To skip a step you must first invest. In addition, Armwrestling is not yet a sports association, and therefore everything is difficult to develop in this sport.

Armpower: Do you have a sponsor?

Radosław Staroń: No, I do not have a sponsor, but I hope that in not a long time, this will change and I will be able to go to the next stage of my preparations.
Armpower: Do you think that you are already included in the woirld's lead?

Radosław Staroń: No. I still do not have enough evidence to say that I am the one of the leaders of this sport. But definitely I can compete with the best in my weight class.

Armpower: Did you expect such a success?
Radosław Staroń: Ah, what a success I had in my head - dreams and dreams again. But as you can see dreams come true. I wish all my colleagues such a pleasure.
Armpower: 78 kg class is your crown weight. Have you previously started in the lower classes and are you thinking of increasing your weight?
Radosław Staroń: Forcefully I feel good in the 78kg class, but I do not have such a control over my weight as it once was. For some time I had to lose weight. I decided for now to change the class for 86 kg and see how it will be to compete in the upcoming Polish Cup. For sure at the next World Professionals' Cup, of course, if I qualify I want to start again in the 78kg class.

Armpower: How do you see Polish competitors against others?

Radosław Staroń: National Team, which launched at this year's World Cup was the best ever. So I thought before and I think now. Some lacked a little luck and other factors, not always dependent on us. Every year, we are getting better and more and more Polish competitors stand on the podium of the most important competitions. We were prepared in 100%, and our knowledge of the sport is no different from the best knowledge of the world. We just need time and patience, and soon Nemiroff World Cup will be ours, in full sense.

Armpower: Any diet before a competition? Your favorite food, alcohol?

Radosław Staroń: If I was supposed to be on any professional diet, it should be a real one. I have not used a special diet yet, I just eat in value and do not allow the starvation. Maybe someday I'll be able to use a real supplementation and combine everything into one unit. In case of the food I'm not picky, but definitely I do not recommend a Chinese soup. The other thing is alcohol, compering to the statistics, I drink very little, and if, it's good beer or Ballantines with ice and cola.

Armpower: Is Nemiroff World Cup a fun party?

Radosław Staroń: Nemiroff for me is an incredible sports event in every aspect. Firstof all, the organization of competitions. Here we are very lucky, because I think anywhere in the world there are so incredibly organized demonstration and entertainment professions, as in Poland. Evidence of this was just Nemiroff World Cup 2010 and many previous competitions organized by Igor Mazurenko. Do not forget the clubs and individual people, promoting Armwrestling in Poland that the competition raise the bar in their organization.

Armpower: What's next? Maybe the strongest man in Poland? What is your
sports goal?
Radosław Staroń: Strongest? Yes, in my weight class. No promises, however, I promise not to avsolve heavier competitors! It's fun to knock them to the pad (laugh). But seriously: till the next Nemiroff I would like to be able to prepare myself more professionally. In this co-operation with a sponsor could help me! We thank you!!! Radosław Staroń.

Interviewed: Paweł Podlewski
