New armwrestling book >>>

New armwrestling book # Armwrestling #



In 2010 Yurij Dragnev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education (the Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University) prepared teaching aid Method of physical youth training. Part 1. Arm wrestling with the stamp "Recommended by the Department of Education and Science as a textbook for students of physical education and sport" (letter of 09.09.2010 № 1/11-8446). Number of pages – 424 р.

The theoretical and methodological material from one of the main power sports – arm wrestling – according to European standards of education within the Bologna process is presented in this teaching aid. All training items are given according to arm wrestling specificity, preparedness level masters, logistics and hours allotted to study of the integrated subject "Method of physical youth training".

20110620095544_03.JPGThe following topics are presented in the textbook's contents: fundamentals of technology: elements of techniques; methods of teaching: methods, stages, phases of learning the offensive and defensive combat techniques; physical training: the development of physical qualities in the basic (test) exercise; psychological training: training of mental abilities and skills; tactical training: individual and team tactics; principles of training: didactic and specific; recovery tools; safety equipment in the classroom; preventing injuries in the classroom; competition rules: the organization and conducting.

The general trend of non-Olympic sports imposes many requirements for the Olympic movement. Such kind of sports as arm wrestling is powerfully developing all over the world today. The leaders of this sport are UKRAINE, RUSSIA, USA, BULGARIA, TURKEY, LATVIA, POLAND, ROMANIA, GEORGIA, SLOVAKIA and other countries. It shows that the leading experts trained a lot of masters of sport, champions of Europe and the World in arm wrestling. Competitions are held on the rules of the World Federation of arm wrestling (WAF), the president of which is FRED ROY. He directs the official activities of the federation to joining the Olympic family. The professional leagues are creating. The President of PAL (PROFESSIONAL ARMWRESTLING LEAGUE) Igor Mazurenko did much to popularize the arm wrestling in Europe and all over the world. PAL representatives in Ukraine – Crimean President of arm wrestling federation Andrew Sharkov, the President of Lutuguno City arm wrestling Federation Alexander Sviridov and multiple European and world champion in arm wrestling Ruslan Babayev  – popularize the arm wrestling in our country .


20110620095543_04.JPGThe basis of the textbook is scientific papers of leading specialists in the theory and methodology of physical education and sports training – B. Ashmarin, O. Deminskij, T. Krutsevych, V. Platonov, T. Roters, I. Tretyak, B. Shiyan, Y. Shkrebtij; in the field of sports physiology and psychophysiology – E. Ilyin, G. Makarova; in Physical Culture – V. Syeluyanov; in sports psychology and physiology – V. Balandin, N. Bendyukov, P. Bundzen, A. Kiryushyn, S. Maksymenko , P. Mjyasoyid, D. Vilmor, D. Gould, D. Kostill, R. Ueynberg; in biomechanics – A. Aruyin, V. Zatsyorskij, V. Svechkaryov, V. Syeluyanov, V. Utkin; in arm wrestling – P. Zhyvory, A. Rahmatov, A. Halashko, V. Petrenko, etc.

The textbook is for undergraduates, arm wrestling coaches, physical education teachers.

The author express his gratitude to arm wrestlers for a textbook's photo shoot: Maxim Abalov, Dmitriy Andriyanov, Nadiya Wilczynski (Anikina), Arthur Hendzhayev, Alexander Gurin, Illya Izman, Sergei Kulik, Denis Lysenkov, Sergey Lysyanskij, Alexander Nekrasenko, Irina Ozherelo, Sergey Rozhenko, Andrey Stepanenko, Vitalij Stepanov, Anton Taran, Ruslan Kharkovskiy, Alexander Sheiko, Vladimir Yakub.



Yurij Dragnev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor of The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education at the Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Chairman of Young Scientists, a leading trainer in arm wrestling, a judge of national category, the Head of the judicial committee of arm wrestling in Luhansk region, Grant Holder of Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine, winner of the regional Contest of Young Scientists' works in Luhansk regional council, 2011.





20110620095542_07.JPGAuthor of over 60 scientific and methodical publications including: monographs on issues of cultural health of students in the conditions of computerization learning (2009); co-chair of collective monographs of The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, dedicated to current issues of physical education students in Ukraine (2007 – 2009); teaching aids in gymnastics (including English) (2007); guidelines, dedicated to: the theory and methodology of physical education (2008), health care technology improving the culture of students in the conditions of computerization learning (2006), the organization of independent work of undergraduates specialty 8.010201 "Physical education" on the subject: "Physical training of university students", "Method of physical youth training" (2009 – 2010). Author of the curriculum of optional course "Arm Wrestling" in school education for senior pupils of secondary schools (2008) and others.

Yurij Dragnev is working on doctoral thesis "Theoretical and methodological principles of professional development of future teachers of physical training in information and educational space".

Information was prepared by
team representative "YUVD "
Illya Izman






