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Professional Armwrestling stands a real chance of being ranked number two in terms of popularity and athletes’ earnings. ()


Professional Armwrestling stands a real chance of being ranked number two in terms of popularity and athletes’ earnings. Number one is of course professional boxing and it’s not likely to change soon.

An experienced armwrestler, trainer, activist, MMA fighter, artist, director and producer - Vasiliy Kuznetsov has visited Poland recently. He went with us to see the latest KSW (Mixed Martial Arts) gala. It was a good occasion to ask him a few questions.

Does having such wide experience in so many areas influence the way you look at sports events? I mean, do you follow them like an ordinary fan?

Vasiliy Kuznetsov: I certainly look at sports events in a bit different way for I can notice much more than on ordinary fan can. And I use it in my work. I draw conclusions and look for things which could be used in my projects. That’s what I’ve been doing for years. For sure I perceive sports events in a different way. That’s my job.

Do you turn off commentator’s voice while watching sports events?

Vasiliy: No! I listen to commentators’ comments as they are also building the excitement. Even when I’m an the stadium, I realize that something is missing. There’s no commentary. There’s no denying that these words shouted by commentators bring sports energy.

What do you think of women competing in combat sports?

Vasiliy: If a fight is good and competitors have charisma, their sex does not matter.

A fight is a fight! I’d rather watch a spectacular women fight, which was the case many times, than a poor men fight. I really enjoyed Karolina Kowalkiewicz’s fight that we watched during KSW 23.

What do you think about the disabled competing in armwrestling matches?

Vasiliy: I’m really impressed with athletes who despise obstacles and limitations are able to fight against the able-bodied. I’m simply impressed!

When will our sport be as popular as professional boxing? Will it ever happen?

Vasiliy: It can be done, provided we manage to sell our „product” to serious TV stations around the world. By “product” I mean armwrestling events at a very high level broadcast at least once a month. We won’t outstrip boxing, yet we can be ranked number two in terms of audience and money earned by athletes.

 Vasiliy, you’re an optimist. I wish I was as enthusiastic as you are…

Vasiliy: You need to try!

Is it possible to be an artist, businessman and athlete at the same time?

Vasiliy: Yes, look at the gay next to you! (Vasiliy points at Igor Mazurenko). Look, Igor does all these things all the time. I think it’s possible. But, frankly speaking, it’s getting hard. Very often I have to limit myself and focus only on selected activities.  

 Thank you for the conversation. Best regards!

Vasiliy: Best regards to your readers.

The interview was taken by PeSzy

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