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How to get on the Zloty Tur? >>>

How to get on the Zloty Tur? # Armwrestling #

Elite division in the ranking fully takes one event - Zloty Tur. ()

How can athletes get to these competitions?

All athletes who have registered in the unified rating system in the General division take part in various tournaments and armfights, where they earn a certain number of rating points. On August 1 of each year, the General division is sorted by country, and in each weight category, four participants with the best score are selected from each country. They get the right to go to the Zloty Tur. It means they go to the Elite division. If for some reason someone from this four cannot participate in the Zloty Tur, his compatriot can replace him.

Once in the second division, athletes compete in the Zloty Tur, for which they get more rating points than in General, because Zloty Tur has the highest multiplier, all rating points of a participant in this tournament are multiplied by 10.

Today we have a limit on the number of participants in the categories of Zloty Tur - a maximum of 40 people in one class. If there are more potential participants, it makes sense to hold another similar tournament.

Once in the Elite Division, athletes can no longer hold armfights with General division members, but only with athletes from their new division.

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