John is here for his Champioship belt >>>

John is here for his Champioship belt # Armwrestling #


On the night of the 17th of June an armwrestling legend John Brzenk has arrived to Las Vegas. After a short talk right after his arrival we can say that John is in his top form and felling strong than ever. During next day’s interviews John has told us that although his great preparation he feels a lot of respect for his opponent Denis. The fans here in Las Vegas predict a win for John but he himself says that this will be a real tough battle. John considers a 3:3 result as a possible. “If I will be able to hold his hand, Denis will be mine. The only thing I am scared of is a fast start from Denis. This can make things difficult.” As a interesting fact we want to point out that John is not just an armwrestling legend. During his trip around Las Vegas John has been stopped by people several times. Of course a lot of pictures have been taken as well as many autographs have been given.
