Vendetta - Brzenk vs Cyplenkov >>>

Vendetta - Brzenk vs Cyplenkov # Armwrestling #


Without a doubt this was the fight which the whole arm wrestling world was waiting for but only few could have seen it live. We will try to give you a report from this six round championship fight for the World Champion title and belt between John Brzenk and Denis Cyplenkov

During their last fight in Poland, everyone knew that Denis has a couple of weak points which John is going to use. Looking at the fight which took place on the 19th of June in the Las Vegas TapOut Sport’s Centre the fight ended in the first round. We haven’t had any doubts that Denis’s right hand is still not ready to take the championship belt away from the legendary John Brzenk. Even during the chat right before the fight we came to a conclusion that John is feeling really confident, will Denis was not. The most objective person was Denis’s coach – Kote Razmadz who has said one magical sentence after the first round: “the first round has showed everything”.  

In the next rounds John has given Denis some opportunities to try to swing his arm to the side. Of course as a result of this nothing happened. John has turned out to be prepared so well that no one has doubt his superiority over Denis. In my opinion the fight was a bit of a laugh. Denis was lacking a good angle between his arm and forearm. The same happened during all of the four first rounds. Only in the fifth round Denis found a way to go into the straps. We could have clearly seen that is Denis changes his technique for the top roll, he could be a hard opponent for John in the future. But the fight in Las Vegas has shown that we are a long way from that happening.  

The last round was won by Denis only because of John being real tired and not paying much attention to the fight. He just gave the round in. 
John Brzenk has deserved to win the heavy weight right arm PAL Armwrestling Championship of the World. John has shown us some superb preparation and has proven yet again that he is the best puller in the world. 
