UMARBEK SHAKMANOV our condolences >>>

UMARBEK SHAKMANOV our condolences # Armwrestling #


On the 5th of June 2009 after a tragic car accident and 10 days of coma Umarbek Shakmanov multi time Russian National Champion, left hand European Champion 2006 in the 80kg category, winning against such pullers as Rustam Babayev or Alexasandr Bulenkov has passed away. 

Umarbek being a passenger in the car suffered the most. His mate – the driver being under the influence of alcohol has hit a tree from the passenger’s side. As later analysis shown Umarbek was sober at the time of the accident. He suffered multiple bone fractures (skull, spine and other parts of the body) and that resulted in a coma. After 10 days in the Vladykaukaz hospital the Russian puller passed away.

The redaction of Armpower and the board of the Polish Armwrestling Federation offer’s our condolences.  
