Polish Seniors at World Championships 2009 >>>

Polish Seniors at World Championships 2009 # Armwrestling # Armpower.net


The third and fourth days of the 31st World Championships – Italy 2009 was devored to the seniors rivalry. Polish Armwrestling Team was represented by 16 seniors during the competition on 11th (left hand) and 12th (right hand) of September . We – the Polish supporters were impatiently waiting for their starts.

Disabled competitor – Maciej Gralak from Bydgoszcz was the first at the armwrestling table, who decided to start at senior  up to 60kg category in the nick of time. Here he had 20 competitors. In the final classification Maciek was 13th (left hand) and 12th (right hand).

The next category where our fellow-citizens were fighting was up to 70kg category. Here we could see out to representatives from Nisk: Krzysztof Penc oraz Dawid Groch. Their final results we can include to the successful ones as there were 33 left handed and 35 right handed competitors. Although they did not managed to be at the medal zone their places in the first ten are pretty good results (Krzysiek was 8th for left hand and Dawid 10th, whereas foe right hand Krzysiek was 6th).

Dawid’s elder brother – Dariusz Groch from Nisk had a good start in the next – up to 75kg category. He was 10th in the rivalry for left hand and for right hand he was 15th (for 36 competitors).

At the last minute Michał Ożga from Strzegom signed in the team in up to 80kg category. He was starting only in left hand rivalry and came 34th. Michal has to make up for quite a lot to be able to come in the first ten among the world lead.

In the next men category – up to 85kg we had two representatives: Wiesław Rzanny from Wolsztyn and Krzysztof Krajczyński from Warsaw. Wieslaw finished the left hand rivalry on 18th place and right hand (for 32 starting competitors) on 19th place. Whereas Krzysztof was 11th in the final classification. As he said himself before the rivalry: “…when the competition is so big as during the World Championship in Italy if I am in the first 15 I will go to Czestochowa on my knees”. So Krzychu – happy motoring!

The following men category where we could see Polish competitors was up to 90kg. Unexpectedly, Piotr Szczerba from Koniecpol did not fit in the category (initially his starting weight was supposed to be up to 85kg) but consequently. Piortek was 14th for left hand and 18th for right hand. The second Polish representative of the category was Marcin Laskowski, who currently lives in Norway. Marcin was 8th for left hand among the world lead and 26th for right hand (for 40 competitors). Given the fact that Marcin has no sparring partner in Norway and as he has “…I don’t have any exercising machines at my place just gum, table and wood” his result is really great! I am even afraid to think what the contestant can achieve while having a good training at the gym.

We are all waiting impatiently for the starts of our silver medalist of European Championships – Bulgaria 2009 and the winner of the World Professionals Cup - Nemiroff World Cup 2008 – Lucjana Fudały from Jaworzno. There were 39 armwrestlers in the up to 100kg category. So it was quite taught. On the other hand no one said that it would be easy. In the left hand rivalry Lucjan was 13th unexpectedly, whereas for right hand – 5th.

The followingcategory was men 110kg. Here Jerzy Kwiatkowski from Zakopane was a debutant. From the very beginning when he came to Italy we could see that Jurek is very stressed by the world rivalry. There is no point in being surprised that the first starts in such a large tournaments can scare everyone. Unfortunately Jurek cannot include the first day to the successful ones. In the final classification  he was 29th. However on the second day the competitor from Zakopane improved his result significantly in right hand rivalry. In the final classification he was 19th (for 33 competitors).  There is no need to hide that Jurek needs to treat his start at World Championships in Italy as the cruel lesson.  Lesson that had almost all the leading Polish armwrestlers. Taking into consideration Jurek’s strength, potential and the fact that he often takes lessons at the experienced teacher (he often visits Slovakian champion’s (Lubomir Jagesak) gym I may say that he will soon show the whole world what he really can. And believe me, he really can achieve a great deal.

The last men category was +110kg. Here Sławomir Głowacki from Inowrocławia appeared as a real champion. In the left hand rivalry he was 5th and for the right hand he got the 4th and the last world medal – the bronze one. Congratulations.

Małgorzata Mielczarek from Jaworzno had a very good start at women senior rivalry. In the up to 50kg category he was 8th for 20 starting women (13th for left hand). On the same – 8th place in right hand rivalry was Małgorzata Ostrowska from Strzegom (for 22 competitors) in up to 60kg (18th left hand). In the nick of time the contestants from Koszalin: Jolanta Szuster in up to 55 kg oraz Natalia Stefaniak  in +80 kg had a real challenge (they started in right hand only). Jola was 17th and Natalka 12th (for 17 competitors).

There is so need to hide that the last year’s World Championships were really hard in the direct rivalry. A great number of competitors and the high sports level made our seniors win only one medal. But good positions of our representatives in the final classification made Poland to be a country in the running. Our representatives astonish us – the observers and other world competitors from year to year. We want to thank them for the starts at this year’s World Championships. It was good. Even really good. Of course we discreetly hope for more. However we have world medals almost within reach. A bit more and I hope we will even hear the National Polish Hymn during such a championed rivalry. That is what I wish you and me.
