The Best of the Polish Cup 2009 >>>

The Best of the Polish Cup 2009 # Armwrestling #


The annual Polish Cup, which took place in Starogad Gdański on the 27th and 28th of November 2009 at the sports-event OSiR hall appoints the strongest Poles of the year. This year three of the competitors managed to defend their titles: Marlena Wawrzyniak from Grudziądz and Grzegorz Nowak fromz Gdynia (right hand) and Małgorzata Ostrowska from Strzegom (left hand). One competitor - Dariusz Muszczak from Myszkowów – who turned to be the best of the men left hand rivalry joined the group of the best Poles of the Polish Cup.

According to the open class rivalry I can only say one thing. The gold medallist of the Polish Championships, the brown medallist of the European Championships - Marlena Wawrzyniak from Grudziądz and Europe and World Junior Vice Champion, the Polish Champion, the brown medallist of the World Professional Cup - Nemiroff World Cup 2009 Grzegorz Nowak z Gdynia turned to be the best once more. They are the competitors who won as well their classes and open one without any problems. Congratulations.

“In fact after the first day of the cup rivalry my right hand did not get tired at all. After the European, World Championships or World Professional Cup I felt my hand hurt but in case of this year’s Polish Cup there was no such pain. Although I had many dignified competitors: medallists of many national and international tournaments, I was better prepared for this year’s tournament.” – told us Grzegorz Nowak after the right hand rivalry.

It was similar in case of the left hand rivalry of women open class. As here the Junior World Vice Champion of 2005, the brown medalist of the World Professional Cup - Nemiroff World Cup 2006, brown medalist of European Senior Championships - Małgorzata Ostrowska from Strzegom showed her preponderance for the next time.

In the left hand rivalry of the men open class as  Lucjan Fudała was absent (Lucjan Got injured during the starts for the right hand the day before) the silver medalist of World Professional Cup - Nemiroff World Cup 2009 – Dariusz Muszczak from Myszkowów ranked first after very stiff and hard elimination duels with the lead of Polish Armwrestling. This way as well Darek as Marlena, Grzegorz and Małgorzta will be signed into the Polish Book of Records and Peculiarities as the strongest Poles in hand of 2009. Congratulations!

Taking an opportunity I would like to pay attention to good starts of gold medallists of open class in each of weight classes. So let’s start with men – armwrestlers.

Grzegorz Nowak from Gdynia had a very good start for left hand, and he went like stink through the elimination round. Unfortunately during the elimination fight for direct entering the cup-final with Dariusz Muszczak he injured his left hand wrist. Is this way he ranked third. However we should add here that Grzegorz managed to win the gold medal of left hand super heavy class of this year’s cup before he got injured. It was 100% above the norm, which the competitor from Gdynia assumed.

“I did above the norm as at this year’s Polish Cup in Starogard Gdański I did not ever planned to start for left hand. But finally I decided to do that and it made me to win the gold medal of +95kg class and brown of open class. Whereas during the fights of open class my wrist got injured, but finally it was worth doing. I came back home with two medals which I did not even take into account” – Grzegosz told us after the rivalry.

Also Dariusz Muszczak did really well for the weaker, right hand as he ranked third in the rivalry of right hand open class. In the starts of his weight class, so up to 95kg of right hand he ranked second, whereas for left hand he was first.

According to the women rivalry, starting only at right hand rivalry Marlena Wawrzyniak proved her superiority in the rivalry of +60kg class, where she ranked first. The second gold medalist of open class, but for left hand - Małgorzata Ostrowska ranked secondo just behind Marlena. In her weight class +60kg of left hand she won the gold medal, whereas for right hand the brown one.

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