THE POLE 3rd IN PHILADELPHIA # Armwrestling #


On the 9th of January 2010 in Valley Forge Convention Center, near Philadelphia the second edition of the tournaments Battle of the Titans took place. On the same day and in the same place fairs and shows of MMA, kickboxing, armwrestling, boxing, strongmen and karate were taking place so there is no point in being surprised that there were really a lot of people visiting it. 49  competitors, almost everyone from the USA, apart from Ukrainian medalist of the World Championships 2008 Nadiya Wiczynski, Brasilian World Champion Marcio Barbosa and the Polish contribution - Dariusz Wiśniewski  from Suwałki (in the black shirt the photo on the left). Below there is Darek’s short relation:

The tournaments were taking place surrounded by shows of various disciplines, so it was impossible to get bored. Apart from that, the struggles were taking place against a background of a truck referring to the well known armwretling film Over The Top. In the USA the course of tournaments is a bit different (that’s how it was during all the tournaments I participated at), namely the elimination fights are so that ever competitors of different weight classes as well right as left hand, men and women fight in turn, so there is a lot of time to rest before fights. The tournaments were taking place divided into amateurs and professionals, but I will pass it over. The eliminations began at one o’clock. It turned out that I am the only fighter of 70kg class! So the double win and 2 cup I won with no fighting. Although I am much lighter, persuaded by the organizers I decided to take part at up to 80kg class.

The 80kg class turned to be really staffed by many strong competitors. The one that missed the rivalry was Ron Klemby who won the left hand class and ranked second in the right hand class last year. In Ron’s absence, Devin Bair became the winner of left hand (who beat me in the fight for entering the cup-final, after all previously won elimination fights), whereas the last year’s winner of the right hand Anthony Snook defended the gold medal.

The 90kg class was dominated by American competitor Dustin Morgan who won the rivalry of both left and right hand, as well as Marcio Barbosa who showed his best and won with almost no effort the rivalry of the left and right hand of 110kg class.

Whereas in right hand 110+ class rivalry one of the strongest men in the world in weight pressing, 180kg heavy Shawn Lattimer (I think he presses 410kg) was easily beaten by similarly big competitor - Shawn Turner. However for the left hand Shawn Lattimer was unparalleled and easily won.

In the only women up to 65kg class, the Ukrainian competitor  Nadiya Wilczynski beat the American competitors.

As it happens at tournaments in the USA all the competitors got commemorative T-shirts of the tournaments.

"2-nd Annual Battle of the Titans Armwrestling, Valley Forge Convention Center - 09.01.2010"

Right hand:

  70 kg class: 
1. Dariusz Wisniewski 

  80 kg class: 
1. Anthony Snook
2. Devin Bair
3. John Vinikoor
4. Tom Morgan

  90 kg class: 
1. Dustin Morgan
2. Brandon Potts
3. Chris Heath
4. Keith Potts

  110 kg class: 
1. Marcio Barbosa
2. Steve Carbone
3. Leo Maxwell
4. Ken Smith

  110+ kg class: 
1. Shawn Turner
2. Shawn Lattimer
3. David Morrocco
4. Frank Hirst

Left hand:

  70 kg class: 
1. Dariusz Wisniewski

  80 kg class: 
1. Devin Bair
2. Anthony Snook
3. Dariusz Wisniewski 
4. James Aiello

  90 kg class: 
1. Dustin Morgan
2. Glen Jaesche
3. Chrisn Heath
4. Giles Russel

  110 kg class: 
1. Marcio Barbosa
2. Frank Hirst
3. Steve Carbone
4. Leo Maxwell

  110+ kg class: 
1. Shawn Lattimer
2. Cuff Cuffley
3. Tim Levis
4. Mike Bernadine

Women right hand 65 kg class: 
1. Nadiya Wilczynski (Anikina)
2. Sue Fisher
3. Sarah Krichten

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