A few days ago we informed you that a well known German armwrestling representative - Dieter Spannagel resigned of the start at this year’s European Armwrestling League – Poland 2010 of up to 86kg class. However after serious thought the German competitor decided to start at this year’s Euro League taking place at the turn of April / July and August in Poland. And that is how we have managed to complete all the competitors of up to 86kg class.
We would like to remind that the start at such a kind of rivalry is nothing new for Dieter. In 2008 (Vendetta Sopot, Poland) he took part in six rounds rivalry (the European Armwrestling League – Poland 2010 is nothing but six rounds duels rivalry in pairs), where he beat Marcin Lachowicz from Poland with the rounds result of 5:1. Spanagel showed that he is perfect for such a kind of rivalry also during the World Championships – Italy 2009 where at the right hand rivalry of up to 90kg class he won the brown medal for 40 starting competitors.