We are very happy each time one of our armwrestlers is supported by sponsors- sports lovers in his sports career. Lately, one of our competitors - Dariusz Muszczak from Myszkow is the lucky one as he is supported by TRIBAG company from Siewierz.
TRIBAG company In engaged in specialist building services for power industry and general building. TRIBAG i salso one of the main producer of road aggregates in the region. It involves Dolomite Mine in Siewierz and Limestone and Dolomite in Imilin.
“In Myszków where I live the situation of sports donations from the city was really pathetic. Almost every sports section had problems to obtain the funds for trips. All that led to the situation that many talented sportsmen had to give up sports practicing. TRIBAG meet the needs of the city. By granting the hall ball games, sponsoring the Polish Cross Country Cycling Championships, financing Myszkowski Football Club, organizing a bowling league and many others initiatives, TRIBAG give sport within the region a new lease of life and bewilder Myszków authorities" – said Darek.
TRIBAG company chairman Wojciech Łubianka who is well known of his passion for sport is responsible for everything.
“We admire people who are tallented, have got passion and In spite of all the dificulties of everyday life are pursuing a goal and achieving successes. Sportsmen are such people. That is we earmark the saved money for supporting them. We have sponsored the World and European Chmapion in Bench Pressing – Tomek Bedkowski for two years and recently also Darek Muszczak drew our attention. We are really impressed by his results and we intend to support him on his way for reaching the title of the World Champion” – said Wojciech Łubianka.
We hope that Darek gets it made at this year’s Professional World Cup - Nemiroff World Cup – Sopot 2010. As we remember Darek was the second at last year’s Nemiroff World Cup loosing with the legendary John Brzenk from the USA.