Between the 23rd-24th of July in Belgium (the 23rd of July – left hand rivalry, the 24th of July – right hand rivalry) the international armwrestling competitions - Rochefort 2010 will take place. Among international line-up there will also be Poles. Ourcountry will be represented by two competitors Wiesław Rzanny Traktor Wolsztyn, and Bartosz Jakubowski UKS Złoty Orzeł Choszczno. Wiesław will start in senior up to 85kg class for left and right hand and Bartek in Senior up to 85kg class left hand and up to 80kg right hand class and the disabled class.
“On Thursday evening I and Wiesiek are leaving for Belgium. I got to know of the trip on Wednesday so we haveonly two days to resign as the fights are on Saturday. I will start in Senior 85kg class for left hand and Senior 80kg class for right hand and also in the disabled class. So I think we won’t give up easily and will came back Poland with medals although I know that it won’t be easy. Our form is optimal so it should be good. When I come back I will tell you how it was. Best Regards!” – said Bartosz Jakubowski before the departure.
The redaction of Armpower whishes our competitors successful starts and of course medals.
The detailed regulations are accessible at CALENDAR section of our web page,