After Powe Cup in Nisk >>>

After Powe Cup in Nisk # Armwrestling #


On Saturday the 28th August 2010 an event being the part of Power Cup cycle, so Nisk Open Armwrestling Championshios organized by the mayor of the commune and city of Nisk and the Viking Nisk Students’ Sports Club took place for the second time. The rivalry was held for right hand in one junior class – open, one women class – open and three men classes -  up tp 80kg, +80kg and open.
28 competitors among whom were four women, from Mielec, Tarnobrzeg, Lublin and even Warsaw. Of course the most numerous were competitors form Nisk and neighborhood. The eliminations were planned to take place on the MCKiS Sokół stadium but because of the bad weather they were moved to the Capri pizzeria at Sportowa Street. Whereas the cup-finals took place on the main stage of the Sokół stadium and the results were sometimes really surprising.
In junior class Bartłomiej Bielecki from Lublin made the most of it and declassed his opponents, the second was Dawid Fusiar from Tarnobrzeg and the third was a representative of UKS Wiking Nisko Patryk Herdzik
Also women surprised us: a representative of Nisk Roksana Mil ranked first, the second was Małgorzata Kuczyńska from Lublin,  and the third Beata Baraba
The rest classes belonged to the seniors where in the lightest up to 70kg weight class the places on the podium occupied as follow: Marcin Gołębiowski, Piotr Frankiewicz and Dawid Fusiara, the heavier up to 85kg class was won by a competitor from Niska Grzegorz Pachla, the next were as follow: Arabasz Piotr from Mielec and Patryk Herdzin. The heaviest over 85kg class was won by a competitor form Rzeszów Krzysztof Wójciak, and the next were Marcin Herdzik and Adrian Witas from Mielec. The most exciting was however the open men class where competitors from Viking turned to be unbeatable. The winner was Krzysztof Penc, Marek Pachla won the silver medal, and the brown medal got Mateusz Wyrwa. All of the competitors received occasional medals, diplomas and financial awards. 
The event should be regarded as a successful and despite some slight technical problems all of the competitors were leaving really enjoyed and hoping the next year’s eddition to be as exciting and successful as this years.  
