EAF Meeting >>>

EAF Meeting # Armwrestling # Armpower.net


Last weekend the representatives of the Polish and Slovakian part of EAF directorate met in Slovakia at the special technical meeting concerning the running of the next European Championships. The subject of the meeting was the modification of the comuter system, that is used to run each of the tournaments organized by the federations affiliated to the EAF.

The decision to organize such a meeting was already made at the European Championships in Bulgaria in 2009. However due to the duties, distance and quite fulled callendar, the meeating managed to be organized now.

The host of themeeting was Slovakia, that was represented with Peter Veres and Marian Capla. From the Polish site the ones who were present were:Marcin Mielniczuk and  Jakub Sierpiński as an assistant. On Saturday morning in the first part of the meetingtheSlovakian proposal to solve the armwretling protocols play was analysed. It is a modified version of the protocol, in which all the main rules of the EAF and WAF are kept. 

During the second part of the meeting some important rules concerning European Championships and procedures being in force while the tournaments were added and reminded.

We will be informing you on our web site of any changes to be implemented.
