"Złoty Tur Cup” for ten years in a row already and the Professionals’ World Cup - Nemiroff World Cup for seven years draw the attention of all world’s armwrestling lovers. The popularity of this event increases with the number of participants - professional armwrestlers of the leading international format. Let’s recall the fact that Alexey Voevod from Russia began his professional career at Złoty Tur, moreover he won the open right hand class in three consecutive years.
Starting from 2004 the tournament has changed its face. It happened when the tournament organizers were trusted by the Ukrainian Nemiroff company. Since that year, Nemiroff World Cup began to be show by various international TV stations. As of yet the Nemiroff World Cup - Sopot 2010 tournament will be shown by 8 television stations and 3 internet channels. This shows how our sport is the kind of programme format, which television is are concerned about, and apparently needed. And though organizers must pay for all that a "serious money" (and believe me, really not small amount), thanks to that ordinary people who love the excitement, sport and adrenaline, got interest in our sports discipline. No wonder then, that crowds come to this prestigious tournament, especially this year. But this is not what this article is about, after all.
Divagating a little from the subject I forgot of the most important thing - the rivalry in the various weight classes, particularly in the 95kg class. From year to year different favorites of each weight classes, of the world format of course come to Nemiroff World Cup. Every year a multitude of titled names does not allow us to pre-determine the winners of one or the other weight class. And what will happen during this year's Professionals’ World Cup in the 95 kg class cannot be called different than Vendetta. So take a look at the list of the competitors that we will be able to see in 95 kg right hand class:
John Brzenk (USA)
Arsen Lilijev (Russia)
Dzabolat Tsoriev (Russia)
Ion Oncescu (Romania)
Krsimir Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
Lubomir Jagnesak (Slovakia)
and some other good competitors from Poland.
In short, there will surely be what to look on at this year's Professionals’ World Cup - Nemiroff World Cup - Sopot 2010 ", which will be held on the 5th November (left hand) and 6th November (right hand) in the Sheraton Sopot Hotel. What do you think: who will win in this weight class for right hand?
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