Armwrestling in Kracow Energym >>>

Armwrestling in Kracow Energym # Armwrestling #


Competition in Krakow Energym (the 23rd October 2010) seemed to be very interesting from the beginning.  From the beginning it was difficult to predict how many players can be expected. Ultimately, the competitors from Nisk, Będzin, Wrocław, Mielec and Tarnobrzeg came to Krakow. There were also local wrestlers - in all, the fitness room hosted twenty-five competitors, including three ladies.
Eight competitors took part in junior class. The strongest one turned to be a contestant representing Wiking  Nisko Club Dawid Fusiara. This competitor has just started his adventure with Armwrestling, but as the rivalry showed he had made an amazing progress. So we hope that when it comes to check up at  a larger event, such as Polish Championships he will  also be able to stand on the podium. Mariusz Niedbał ranked second. Mariusz passed the eliminations very quickly and efficiently proving that juniors in Poland are growing in strength from year to year. Grzegorz Jochymkow, who was characterized by a great force, was third. However, it was evident that he must still work on his technique, which will certainly make him a much more effective wrestler in the future. The least liked fourth place was occupied by Adam Józef, who, though it was his first competition proved to be an unusually concentrated, which made him have a quickl start allowing to surprise the enemy.

In women classls Joanna Kułaga was well prepared. Leaving the opponent no illusions, she  won her class with a smile. The remaining contestants presented a similar sports level, but in the end Anna Dankiewicz proved to be stronger, leaving Gosia Mróz on third place of the podium.

Definitely the most interesting and the largest was men class,  which was rich in diversity of fighting styles and quite big  differences between particular competitors – the lightest weighed about seventy kilograms, while the heaviest weighted about one hundred and twenty kilograms. In such a difficult rivalry, the first place went to Łukasz Grzelak from Będzin. Łukasz, in the direct rivalry did not meet one’s match and his excellent preparation was visible. Second place went to a debutant Marcin Wolfinger from Krakow, who seemed to be really satisfied with his first start as he beat much more experienced competitors in the eliminations. Mariusz Zbylut from Wrocław ranked third. Dawid Groch’s start turned to be a surprise, as he admitted himself on the day before competition he trained without giving himself the opportunity to rest, which inevitably made him occupy the fourth least popular place.
The award ceremony was preceded by a ten-minute break, which could be devoted to check how strong is my left hand. The award were funded by Energym club, also the hall was  made available by the owners of clubs for which they deserve heartfelt thanks. A manager of the club played an important role as who took care of the awards and the first time, ran the protocol. And what I have to say she did pretty well.


Author: Dariusz Groch
