Another competitor of the Polish armwrestling team for this year's Professionals’’ World Cup - Nemiroff World Cup - Sopot 2010 is Dariusz Muszczak from Myszków. Dariusz is an experienced competitor of the Polish armwrestling scene. He has already surprised us - fans and competitors with his technique, strength and experience in the sport at the nationally and international field. He showed us his strength at last year's World Cup. Last year, in Warsaw, Dariusz ranked second of the left hand class. This was the undeniable success of both of Darek and the Polish armwrestling team. How does Darek see himself in this year's rivalry with the world’s best? Answers to this and other questions can be obtained in the following,brief interview.
Name: Dariusz Muszczak
Biceps: 45 cm
Forearm: 43 cm
Height: 187 cm
Starts weight: 95kg
Age: 24 years
Training: 7 years
The greatest achievements:
World Professionals’ Vice Champion of 2009
The Strongest Pole for the Left Hand of 2009
Armpower: What is Nemiroff World Cup for you?
Dariusz Muszczak: Nemiroff World Cup is for me the most important event in the entire calendar of the armwrestling events.
Armpower: Is this your debut?
Dariusz Muszczak: This will be my third start at this event. The first one was in 2008 and resulted in the fourth place in 95kg and open class of the left hand. Next year there was silver for left hand in 95kg class.
Armpower: How does your preparation raining for the World Cup look like?
Dariusz Muszczak: Nemiroff World Cup is the most important event in the entire calendar of armwrestling events. Therefore, my preparation for this prestigious tournament are special. Exercises I've done are no different from those of the normal training period. I primarily focuse on strengthening my weaknesses. Preparation training for Nemiroff World Cup takes 10 weeks. I trained 3-4 times a week. I carried out four series of all exercises, preceded by a good warm-up. Between series I made two minutes breaks. The number of repeats also varied: 2 weeks of 18 to 15 repetitions, 2 weeks of 12 to 10 repetitions, 2 weeks of 8-6 repetitions, 2 weeks of 6-4 repetitions and 2 weeks 3-1 repeats.
Armpower: How do you see yourself in the rivalry with the best competitors in the world?
Dariusz Muszczak: I think that a level that I represents will allow me to fight for the podium. This year it will definitely be more difficult, because the class in which I start at is stuffed with the strongest competitors in the world. Each of the contestants takes it very seriously. I think the key on the way to the medal will be the draw and the length of each individual fight. However I can see some chances for the left hand, though for the right I will not give up easily.
Armpower: Any diet before the competition?
Dariusz Muszczak: During the time of preparations my diet is dominated by proteins and complex carbohydrates. I also apply amino acids and anti-catabolic agents.
Armpower: Who do you think will win the open class?
Dariusz Muszczak: I think that this year the open class of both hands will be dominated by the competitors from the 95kg class.
Armpower: Can you see any chances of our National Team for medals?
Dariusz Muszczak: I think the level of our competitors lets us expect medals in all of the weight classes, however such aspects as: luck in the draw, or the day disposition may determine the defined positions.
Armpower: What can you tell fans to encourage them to came to this year's Nemiroff World Cup.
Dariusz Muszcak: If you think you have already known everything about armwrestling, you are wrong. Come to Nemiroff World Cup 2010. Here even the best’s flesh creeps.