XXXII WC - Polish National Team Registered >>>

XXXII WC - Polish National Team Registered # Armwrestling #


XXXII World Championships - Las Vegas 2010 has already begun. We are after the official registration of teams. Of course, at this year's World Championships there is also Polish National Armwrestling Team. Unfortunately, on the spot it turned out that Marlene Wawrzyniak from Bydgoszcz will not join the Polish Team. Because of the pain of the big toe Marlena finally resigned. Also Janusz Piechowski from Gdynia made a change and he will eventually start only in super grand masters class (athletes over sixty), and not as he previously announced in the super grand masters and grand masters classes.

The competition attracted about 800 competitors from 39 countries. Though organizers reported earlier that more than 1,300 players enrolled, we informs those who are interested that the amount of take-offs is 1300  and not the players themselves.

The first weighing in is tomorrow,. Let's hope that all our representatives will fit in their weight classes.
