Request for Quotation - Purchase of Services >>>

Request for Quotation  - Purchase of Services # Armwrestling #

Gdynia, 21-02-2011 


We ask to submit a trade offer on the planned purchase of an external advisory services in the scope of elaboration of the Export Development Plan within the framework of Activity 6.1 "Passport to export" of the priority axis 6 Polis economy on the international market of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 conducted under the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of the Regional Development of 7th April 2008 on the granting by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 (OJ No 68, item. 414 with subsequent amendments).

Project Title: Passport to Export - Stage I - Export Development Plan 

No. of the application form WND-POIG.06.01.00-22-134/10 
Planned date of project accomplishment: 01.01.2011 - 30.06.2011 

Export Development Plan should contain the following elements: 
1) information about the start date of the preparation of this document; 
2) elaboration of the company's competitive analysis for products or services to entrepreneurs; 
3) elaboration of the selection of the target markets for the export business; 
4) elaboration of research studies on selected target markets; 
5) a description of the current situation of the company in key areas and forecasts for business expansion with particular emphasis on business development through exports; 
6) export SWOT analysis for each type of product / service on each of the planned target markets; 
7) a description of objectives and export strategy; 
8) recommendation exports development; 
9) the indication and justification for choice of activities to be performed by the entrepreneur among those listed in § 40 paragraph 2 of the above Ordinance; 
10) the estimated costs necessary to finance the actions essential to implement the strategy; 
11) the preliminary timetable for implementing the export strategy. 

Export Development Plan should comprehensively define the export strategy to be implemented in the next two years. 

The Export Development Plan elaboration should include a statement of the fact that the project is financed from the OPIE according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 of 8th December 2006 constituting  detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 constituting general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 of the European Parliament and Council on the European Regional Development Fund (Official Gazette. EU L 371 of 27.12.2006) 

The offer should include: 

  • name and address of the tenderer, 
  • date of preparation, 
  • total net and gross price 
  • validity of the offer, 
  • conditions and date of payment, 
  • maximum execution time for the Export Development Plan, 
  • signature of the contractor along with name and company stamp. 
The offer should be written on letterhead bearing the stamp of the tenderer or the company, have the date of preparation and should be signed by the tenderer. Offer may be sent:

- via e-mail address:

  • Company postal address: MAZURENKO ARMWRESTLING PROMOTION SP ZOO  Okrzei 18 / 7 Street, 81-245 Gdynia

The quotation request can be found at our website:

and in the orderer premises located at Okrzei 18 / 7 Street, 81-245 Gdynia
The deadline for submitting offers expires on: 01-03-2011

The offer prepared by the tenderer should include the following information and features of the client:

Mazurenko Armwrestling Promotion Sp zoo is the owner of the brand and manufacturer of food supplements and foods for particular nutritional uses FITMAX. At present, we produce and distribute 29 different supplements. Our clients are athletes and people that care about their health and physical condition

The website address of the orderer -
Products subjected to export - food supplements and foods for particular nutritional uses.

Some export countries - Russia, Germany, United Kingdom 



Method of Assessment 

Max Number of Pts


 Experience in the preparation of the EDP

  • Tenderer has already executed 35 or more projects lying on elaboration of EDP -25pts (attach minimum 10 references) 
  • Tenderer has already executed 20-34 projects lying on elaboration of EDP -10pts (attach minimum 5 references)
  • Tenderer has already executed less than 20 projects lying on elaboration of EDP - 0pts (attach minimum 3 references)






The price for the service 

  • up to 12 500 PLN net - 10pts 
  • over 12 500 PLN net - 0pts



The maximum time of execution of the EDP 

  • up to 30 working days - 10pts
  • 30-45 working days - 5pts
  • over 45 working days - 0pts  



Payment Terms 

  • The offer includes a clause for a lack of obligation to make a payment in case of negative verification of the EDP - 5pts
  • The offer does not include a clause for a lack of obligation to make a payment in case of negative verification of the EDP - 0pts



Years on the market 

  • The company operates in over 12 years - 10 pts
  • The company operates in 7-12 years - 5 pts
  • The company operates in the market less than 7 years - 0 pts



Insurance of the project implementation

  • The tenderer has third-party insurance on the non-performance or improper performance of the contract - 10 pts
  • The tenderer does not have lthird-party insurance on the non-performance or improper performance of the contract - 0 pts



Conducting internal analysis

  • The tenderer will conduct an internal analysis at the headquarters of the Principal - 10 pts
  • The tenderer does not perform internal analysis at the headquarters of the Principal - 0 pts 



Scientific nature of the elaboration

  • The researcher involved in the project conduction will have at least PhD degree - 10 pts
  • The project will be implemented without the participation of researchers - 0 pts



Supporting the Certified Specialist of EU funds 

  • The tenderer will provide the support of a certified specialist in EU funds during the whole duration of the project - 10pts
  • The project will be implemented without the support of a certified specialist in EU funds - 0pts






Orderer will choose the best offer, which obtains the highest number of points based on established criteria and will sign a contract with the selected contractor after signing the agreement for financing the project: 6.1 Passport to Export within the framework of OP IE Activity 6.1 "Passport to Export " Stage I - Export Development Plan. 

Anna Mazurenko 
Appointed Agent 
