New ARMFIGHT T-shirts >>>

New ARMFIGHT T-shirts  # Armwrestling #



Probably the most important event in the world of armwrestling - "Professionals' World Cup- Nemiroff World Cup 2011" which will take place on 14th (left hand) and 15th (right hand) October 2011 in Mazurkas Conference Centre in O¿arów Mazowiecki (near Warsaw)
is ahead of us.

On this occasion Mazurenko Armwrestling Promotion company from Gdynia will present a limited series of Nemiroff World 2011 T-shirts at the competition.
On sale there will be white and black T-shirts. These T-shirts will launch a new clothing line of ARMFIGHT brand. For the purposes of the new line T-shirts will be printed from the ground up, sewn and labled with reputable and reserved ARMFIGHT name.
