There is only one WAF >>>

There is only one WAF # Armwrestling #

Denise Wattles posted today this information on N.E.B.: "General Osmand (Egypt) who has been in charge of the "other WAF" is in attendance in Kazakhstan has announced that the "other WAF" will no longer be doing events. Egypt has now become a member under the WAF currently headed by Fred Roy."


For fans quick reminder

The FIRST OFFICIAL WAF Worlds were held in 1979 in Canada. Federation was growing ... more countries, armwrestlers every year. Unfortunately in 1997 we had split for two federations both WAF (World Armsport Federation and World Armwrestling Federation) and from 1998 armwrestlers were taking part in two diferent World Championships. In 2005 both federations decided to finish the split and work together as the World Armwrestling Federation.

Unfortunately not all members of World Armsport Federation joined to World Armwrestling Federation. General Osmand from Egypt decided to form other WAF and do the events.

So today's message informing about General Osmand joining to the WAF currently headed by Fred Roy is a great information... I do not know how you but I'm so happy that finaly the WAF's split is OVER and all activists together will be working for WAF's developing and also... now all pullers have chance to face each other at one and only one WAF Worlds.


Soon will be published promo page under the name WAF WORLD FEDERATION for both WAFs.


