Khazimurat vs Jerry Cadorette Zoloev
Khadzhimurat should keep Cadorette as long as possible in the first fight and squeeze like a lemon. He has a chance to do it, and then everything will go easy:)
Arsen Liliev vs. Richard Lupkes
Liliev should not count on the start, but at the beginning he should try to hold him, then push Lupkas. He is very strong and once during a startup Liliev can expose himself to an injury!
Andrey Pushkar vs. Michael Todd
Pushkar has to do everything fast! If he lets Todd attack him, it will not be easy for him to beat Todd. What’s more they fight “at home” and we, the European players will be tired and exhausted.
I wish them good luck and a victory! We are with you!
Denis Cyplenkov