Todd Vs. Pushkar # Vendetta in Vegas >>>

Todd Vs. Pushkar # Vendetta in Vegas # Armwrestling #

Andre Vs. Michael is an EXTREMELY intriguing match and for me personally it is the most exciting on this “Vendetta Vegas” card, BY FAR.


Whilst Mike is no longer the 290+lb. “MONSTER” that tangled with “NO LIMITS” Devon Larratt at ARM WARS “ACID REIGN”, it is also fair to say that, even in his all new 260lb. fitness model shape, the endurance, experience & incomparable desire to Win of the Man from Little Rock, Arkansas, should make him extremely hard to beat over 6 Rounds.


Andre is riding the Crest of a Wave in terms of his form right now and I believe that the Ukrainian Super-Heavyweight standout is a constantly improved version of himself every time we see him in Major competition.


Stylistically, I feel that Andre represents a very Bad match up for Michael, as he does for most Pullers. Andre has a dangerous combination of relatively large levers backed up by enormous Raw Power and an extremely aggressive, extremely direct attacking style. Michael has traditionally been the Armwrestler who was happy to initially concede positional advantage, before relying on the best defensive Arsenal in the Game and a complete unwillingness to lose, in order to win matches in the most dramatic manner imaginable. Andre has such ferocity off the Ready Go right now, that conceding the starts may simply not be an option for Monster Mike, as “The Ukraine Pain Train” may be unstoppable should he be allowed to accelerate out of the Station !


I firmly believe however that IF “The Monster” is able to stop the Match with any real degree of purchase and a strong enough Strap, tightly applied, that HE WILL WIN ANY DOG FIGHT that he is able to Draw Andre into, whilst also putting a level of fatigue on the Arm of the young Ukrainian which would ensure that he was able to win further Wars from that point forward. THE QUESTION AT THE FOREFRONT OF MY MIND HOWEVER IS will “Monster” Mike be able to stand on the tracks without being run over by the speeding “Ukraine Pain Train”.


The Rigid Rule system of the P.A.L. events could be of critical significance in my opinion and could potentially favour both Andre’s style and recent experience of Supermatch Pulling, as there is an increased risk of losses being called due to fouls in what the Referee perceives to be a losing position. I therefore believe that it will be important for Michael to maintain the Centre off the starts and get to the straps within which his chances of success are greatly improved. For Andre explosivity remains his Ace card to be played in a match which will no doubt have significant implications for the Super-Heavyweight landscape in Professional Armwrestling.

I really like both these athletes and I wish them both the very best in their respective preparations for the Match, I hope that each man is able to compete at his optimum level to a mutually satisfactory and entertaining conclusion.
