Many contestants from Ukraine, neighboring countries and West Europe has wished to start.
On July the 29 in Lviv. It lacked in such a ‘holiday’ term to fight seriously, with different rivals and, what’s important too, for financial prizes. We presented tournament T-shirts earlier. Now we will see what medals are waiting in Lviv for the winners. The total prize pool of the Lion Cup is 3 160 euro. Entry fee cost 10 euro for women and 15 euro for men.
Men, right hand: 63, 70, 78, 86, 95, 95+ kg;
Women, right hand: 55 kg.
1st place – 200 EURO
2nd place – 130 EURO
3rd place – 80 EURO
4th place – 30 EURO
5th place – 20 EURO
1st place 200 EURO
2nd place 130 EURO
3rd place 80 EURO
THE TOURNAMENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN Galaktika complex, in the city center.
Saturday August 18 – arrival of the competitors, weight in 17.00-20.00
Sunday August 19 – weight in 09.00-11.00.
Eliminations in 12.00-16.00.
Finals and ceremony of medals from 18.00.