The titan of armwrestling is back! >>>

The titan of armwrestling is back! # Armwrestling #

Denis Cyplenkov has announced he’s going to compete in the Nemiroff World Cup 2013. Will there be a challenger who would beat this titan of armwrestling?


He wants to beat another record, get gold for left and right arm and win the world cup for the second time. Who? Denis Cyplenkov. He has already announced he’s taking part in the upcoming Nemiroff World Cup 2013.

During a telephone conversation Denis told me he’s going to beat his previous record – said Igor Mazurenko, the president of PAL. – He also said he would come to the competition along with a multitude of his keen fans.

Denis Cyplenkov became an armwrestling start in 2007 when he first appeared at the Nemiroff World Cup. At that time it was John Brzenk of the USA who reigned supreme at armwrestling competitions. However, an injury Brzenk had picked up forced him to make room for a new winner. Thus, in 2010 Cyplenkov became the undisputed champion, winning matches on both arms.

Today Cyplenkov is not only a competitor, but also the face of many brands existing on the Russian market.

Cyplenkov is also one of the few athletes in the history of armwrestling who has won competitions on both arms – said Mazurenko. – From the moment Denis entered the armwrestling arena, Brzenk has not been able to make it to the top again. Will Cyplenkov win again this time? Will there be a challenger who would take the title of the strongest man in the world away from Denis? Everything will become clear in November.

Iza Małkowska