Liliev withdrawn from the project >>>

Liliev withdrawn from the project # Armwrestling #

Announcing Arsen Liliev as a new face of PAL raised much controversion in a world of armwrestling. Following the reactions Liliev has withdrawn from the cooperation although he is thankful for giving him a chance


Dear Colleagues,

I have received many questions from you about my cooperation with PAL. As I know, the questions on the ethic side are asked to PAL's representatives as well. I understand your disappointment. I want to say sorry for that.

Armwrestling is what I dedicated my life to. The sport was everything to me. I wanted to reach for the biggest trophys. I wanted to be the best. My pride led to my downfall. I did something against an honour and a first rule of a fair competition. Now I pay for that mistake. The Suspension was a heavy blow to me. But it also made me sober. I accepted the authorities' decision with obedience.

Everyone who ever experienced the armwrestling emotions knows, it is just an addiction. I can not live without it. I want to come back to the table. I know how difficult it is to rebuild someone's trust. But I tried to start it. For that reason I offered PAL my work. I am thankful to them they gave me a chance. It was not easy for them and they considered it carefully, being very clear that the suspension must be respected.


I don't want others to pay for my debts. I withdraw from the cooperation. I don't want to be a burden to them. I wish the Federation success in conquering America. I believe they will be.


I say sorry to everyone who felt offended by the situation. I hope I will be given an another chance to come back after my suspension. I hope to meet you at an armwrestling table in the future.


Arsen Liliev