Nemiroff 2013 Eduardo Tietê is coming!!! >>>

Nemiroff 2013 Eduardo Tietê is coming!!! # Armwrestling #

I 'm here in Brazil many difficulties in participating in international events have no support from anyone and even with every difficulty try to keep the sport alive


What do you think about the level of armwrestling in Brazil? In your opinion, what is getting better, and what is getting worse?

We are limited by Brazilian athletes do not have many high-level athletes in the country for competitions, the athlete has an example 4 times world champion Wagner Bortolato has no one to fight or train, the leaders of our sport in Brazil never gave importance doing well organized competitions, they are politicians and policy able to evolve with the sport collections of travel funds for the athletes of the world , today we can not even get over these resources , but the sport is not only política.Nós Brazilian athletes are tired , many athletes have even given up the sport for many facts that happens here in Brazil:
Competitions are poorly organized.
There respects with athletes.
The rules are being enforced in Brazil, hinders the participation of athletes here in Brazil there is a draw for the drug test is the athlete being selected winner or not to take the exam.
Do not have a poll for the World like other countries , the Brazilian entity armwrestling want to join and oblige all athletes to participate in four selective for the global 2014 and affiliated athletes can not fight in any side event or professional without permission the leaders of Brazil, we 're athletes many outraged about the bad organization of events and the new rules imposed by the Brazilian armwrestling.
Another difficulty we have is that we participated a few championships senior year, and now with the new law of having to join the athletes are restricted to grow professionally.
What this supplying all this needs of our country are the parallel and well organized events I 've been organizing in Brazil even drawing attention from other countries and new athletes.

You're coming to Nemiroff, which category are you fighting in, who do you think will be your biggest opponent, and how are you preparing for Nemiroff?

Know it is a great pleasure to be part of the Nemiroff 2013 will fight in the category of 78 kg is logical that the categories have a favorite, but unforeseen can happen in a category full of high-level athletes , I've been preparing three times a week in my own academia and the weekend I've been doing training table with my friends athletes.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers from the whole world?

Fight for your dreams , always do something good for our sport, I 'm here in Brazil many difficulties in participating in international events have no support from anyone and even with every difficulty try to keep the sport alive, Nemiroff 2013 Eduardo Tietê is coming!!!


Iza Małkowska