You beat Tsyplenkov! You dispelled the myth of the invincibility of Denis! What key did you pick for him? What weak spot did you find?
Denis is very powerful. But everyone, no matter how strong they are, has a weakness. I knew this going into Nemiroff. You have to come in confident and prepared. I used my strength to go through Denis's hand.
In OPEN you gave your hand up without a fight. Since then, many people started to think that you've come to the Nemiroff to prove that Tsyplenkov can be beaten. Is it true?
I came to Nemiroff to compete against the best. I showed that I can. My arm was cramped up, that's why I could not compete in the open class.
Not so long ago you lost to Michael Todd. A little later you fought on equal temrs with Tsyplenkov. How do you comment on the situation: you are strongly motivated and improved your form, or isTodd stronger than Tsyplenkov?
If you watch the first match against Michael Todd, I blew right through him as well. Just couldnt pin him. After the first match I was out of gas. We stayed strapped together and switched sides of the table and started the next match. So I had no time at all to rest between matches. Not like a typical armwrestling match. But I have gotten even stronger since that match.
Next year the armfight Tsyplenkov vs Larratt will take place. What will be the outcome of this fight? Who will win and how?
I would like to see this match. If Devon can come back one hundred percent from his elbow surgery than I think he can win. If not then the match goes to Denis.
How did you like the video recording of fouls on Nemiroff; you lost one fight with Denis because of fouls?
They were very strict on elbow fouls at Nemiroff, but it was fair. My elbow came off the pad. I have no excuses, I need to keep my elbow down.
How do you like the organization of Nemiroff this year?
I was treated very well at Nemiroff. Igor Mazurenko puts on an amazing event. Everything about The Nemiroff Cup was top notch. Started out with a press conference on Friday to a great show all the way through Sunday. I look forward to competing at The Nemiroff Cup again!
What are your plans for future? Who would you like to fight?
I want to be the number one armwrestler in the world. So a rematch with Denis Cyplenkov is what I am interested in!
Artur Grigorian