Training of Champions: Taras Ivakin >>>

Training of Champions: Taras Ivakin # Armwrestling #

Taras Ivakin is a real encyclopedia, a guide to top roll. His explosive start is his trump card. We give you introduction to the basics of Ivakin’s training program


Taras, how do you start your wotkout?

I start with some exercises that will continue in the training proper. For example: forearm – a few sets with minimum weights, 25-30 reps, and then go on to fewer reps with heavier weights. Specialized armwrestling workout is my base. I approach the table only at the end of workout, unless I’ve planned a sparring-only workout.

How often do you train, and how much time does the workout program take?

I train 3-4 times a week, for about 1,5 – 2 hours. A shorter time is not a workout, just a warm-up. A longer time is not really wise. You can get an injury and expend yourself too much.

Do you have any set of rules by which you abide in your training program?

The rules of general training in armwrestling are no different from bodybuilding – a basic pyramid – 4-6 attempts, 8-12 reps with increasing weight.

Half the moves is half the scores” – is the message in your video on top roll. Take pronation of the wrist with a judo belt. Apply 24 kg of weights and start working out. As we can see, you can make a lot more reps with a 90 degree amplitude, than with a full amplitude. I can put much more force into my wrist in an inclined position, with straight arms different groups of muscle come into play, that are much less suited for this kind of weight.

So, which exercises are better with full amplitude, and which performed inclined?

There is the base and then there is the derivative. The basic ones are better performed with full amplitude, the derivatives – at different angles. I try to divide muscles into batches, and work each batch in turn. This way you can strengthen all tendons and get the best results.

Which armwrestling exercises can be ascribed to the basics, and which to the derivatives?

For example – bicep curls with barbells is a base, and bicep with the elbow support is a derivative.

Should bodybuilding exercises such as squats and bench press be incorporated into the armwrestling workout?

As far as the squats go, I’m not sure, that’s an individual matter. But the basic chest, back and arm exercises should be performed with great care! Any physical education handbook will tell you that! One can notice that all serious bodybuilders around the world are well versed in biochemistry and anatomy. This allows an insight into your workout, which is individual. What’s good for one person, can be very bad for another.

Bench press – many people think it’s not appropriate for armwrestling, and that barbell presses in horizontal position should be applied instead. What is your opinion?

This is complete bullshit! Bench press is a chest exercise, maybe the most efficient one. It’s no secret that in armwrestling the chest is very important for keeping angles, so it should get the attention it deserves.

How does one train for an explosive start, such as yours?

My start is not so explosive right now, sadly. One can only learn that at the table, against an opponent. It’s also good to use expanders, but keep the starting stance you’d use in a real fight.

One should hydrate during training. What drinks do you recommend?

Dehydration deteriorates strength. I drink mineral water, you can also drink protein shakes. I wouldn’t recommend drinking juices and sodas.

How does one train when injured?

You need to spare yourself, when injured. Minimum weights with many reps and expanders.

On a bad day, with trouble at work, a bad mood, and a tired mind – should one work out at all?

If it’s really bad – postpone the workout. Deep weariness is a total roadblock for successful workout.

Do you prefer training alone, or in company?

Like many other people, I prefer company. Training on your own is not only boring, but also dangerous. There should always be someone close by, to help out when necessary.

Is music good for training?

I listen to music when I work out. I dont care what music, because music is just the background to provide rhythm and clear the atmosphere. It energizes you, lifts the spirit, makes the workout more intense.

Which supplements are recommended for armwrestlers?

On the subject of supplements, Ill just say one thingits up to you. Its an individual choice. Supplementation is just thata means to supplement workout. The only thing that really matters is hard work and honest sweat.

What about protein? It helps gain weight. In armwrestling most contestants try to improve strength, while staying as light as possible

Pure protein doesnt build mass, just muscle! Protein is not a gainer, you should not confuse the two. Protein just builds muscle.

What is your way to cut / gain weight?

I don’t cut nor gain, I enter the category ascribed to me at the weigh-ins. Fiddling with weight is not always beneficial, so I try to avoid it. My diet is no different from that of the average man. I don’t watch weight – I’m not a bodybuilder. I eat when and what I want, when my body needs it. I think many armwrestlers do the same.


Artur Grigorian