TOP 16: Ivan Matyushenko >>>

TOP 16: Ivan Matyushenko # Armwrestling #

Nemiroff is in the past now, the best is yet to come – the mysterious TOP 16 project. This is going to be a sensation in the world of armwrestling. We know too little about it for now to assess the scale of this enterprise and its impact. But with every article the TOP 16 is drawing nearer


Ivan, when did you receive your invitation to participate in the TOP 16 project?

I think Ive heard about it for the first time back at A1 from Igor Mazurenko. But it was all very vague at that time, Igor just told me that maybe Ill have a start there. I was reassured of it by the recent invitation.

What was your reaction?

I received that invitation early in the morning, I havent properly woken up yet. So my reaction was a little slow, but of course I was very happy. The project seems very promising.

Why did you agree to be a part of it? What are your goals?

You dont say no to a chance like this. For now I dont have any goals, besides ascending to a new level.

TOP 16 is going to see the stars of the world armwrestling. A lot has been invested in this project. The costs are astronomical, compared to any previous tournaments. What does this mean for the world of armwrestling and its promotion all over the world?

Its hard to say anything at this moment, we dont have enough information yet. Of course, I hope that its going to take armwrestling to a new level. I feared that its not going to happen in my lifetime, but now I see a chance. TOP 16 is a great leap forward.

Do you have any doubts about entering the TOP 16?

The top guys aside, I can fight anyone else. But you can safely assume, that for this kind of money the contestants will do anything to be at their best. A great rivalry shall begin

Artur Grigorian