She started armwrestling in 1991, after seeing a competition on TV. She was eleven at the time.
I always loved power sports, where two people stand off against each other, eye to eye, to prove who’s the best – wrestling, boxing, etc. – recalls Heidi Andersson, top Swedish female armwrestler. – I started out training with my father, my uncles and cousins (Fia Reisek and others), back in my home village in Lapland, Sweden. I was born with a sight impairment, so I always hated ball sports, because of seeing double, two balls instead of one. So armwrestling is perfect for me!
It was armwrestling that led Heidi to set up her own company, at the age of 19.
It taught me much more than any school ever could. It was an amazing journey of self – discovery – says Heidi.
Armwrestling is also a lot of fun and interesting stories. Heidi once wrestled a dentist after a routine teeth checkout. She even discussed armwrestling with the Swedish princess, Victoria, at theroyal castle.
People see this as a cool sport – says Heidi. – My son, Dante (2 years, 4 months old) keeps saying : “Mom strong!” and flexing his muscles, mimicking armwrestling moves. I love the fight for supremacy, armwrestling is a very old worldwide tradition!
* This Saturday is a big day for Heidi – a first interschool armwrestling championship. Heidi is the leader of this project, along with the school sports federation, the armwrestling school and a local armwrestling club. The tournament will take place on 14th December, in Östersund, Sweden. 80 students from 20 schools, ages 13 – 19, will take part. They will fight to see who’s the best in Sweden!
The tournament will be broadcast live at 11.00 (Swedish time) at