None of my business... >>>

None of my business... # Armwrestling #

...or passive activists.


Dear readers, in order not to waste your time, I will be brief and to the point: those who don’t care about armwrestling promotion and are only interested in personal achievements can stop reading this article at this line.

Now (theoretically) this text is for those who are interested in promoting our favorite sport.

The articles’ title is not chosen at random. As a popular saying goes – none of my business. In our daily lives we have many thought provoking situations, but when it comes to their publication, not many wish to volunteer. "Why me? Someone else will do it" – such thoughts may dwell in the minds of "hostages of the situation". And unfortunately, today such people are an overwhelming majority in the world of armwrestling.

I agree with the principle "if you can do better – do it". Most of you, dear readers, have a lot of good ideas, brilliant plans and fantasies about armwrestling promotion.

Under promotion many understand the creation of new tournaments, holding armfights, introduction of advanced technologies into the training process, etc. Such views are typical of a regular viewer. A viewer who is not interested in the success of armsport, who only wants to reap the fruits grown by someone else. If you are one of those and are steadfast in your beliefs, then go back to reading the first paragraph.

Friends, look around, we live in the era of information technology. Today you don’t need to be a genius to use the existing benefits of civilization. I'm sure it is not difficult for most of you to mount a simple video, do a basic presentation. This also pertains to the basic elements of popularization. The more creative the idea, the larger the audience.

Who has in their arsenal a photo- or video- camera – it’s only natural to use it. Creating a simple "What armsport has given me" video in which your friend is holding a bag of potatoes at arm's length, bends nails, holds a motorcycle on a rope – just a few examples! Maybe you know an athlete who uses non-standard reinforcement exercises (just like Dave Chaffey performs exercises with a sledgehammer, about which little is known), and this innovation can be captured in video or photos. All you need is imagination and just a little desire to bring it to life.

One more thing. Everyone is waiting for tournaments; we all want to see beautiful and spectacular fights. But it’s only a few people who make any effort to put up interesting events in the world of armwrestling. Once again – we live in the information age. Skillfully used, this resource can influence the ideology of whole countries, but we cannot learn to use it in working with athletes and event organizers. Words can have a crushing force. All significant events in modern armwrestling happen under the influence of certain factors. One of them is what the audience requests.

Any sport can be somewhat boring if there is no place for humor. Surely some of you make occasional jokes about armsport, make up some funny images in your imagination. Why not share them? Whether it’s an anecdote or a demotivator – that does not matter. The point is that it has to go beyond the limits of your mind and become available to the public. There are enough platforms for the outpouring of these ideas and projects. Take only the groups on social networks, and it’s already possible to make sure that your work will be seen and appreciated by a particular audience.

Some readers of this material are probably thinking - why should they spend their own time to promote armsport?. Not everyone is interested in global success, some have eyes only for the personal benefit. We cannot say that this mindset is wrong. Each person has their own life and their own path, so we have no right to blame anyone for what they are. It all boils down to greed. I'm sure if announced a competition for the best anecdote about arm wrestling, and the winner was guaranteed a cash reward in the amount of 500 conventional units, the participants of this event would be plenty.

To sum it all up, I say: if you can do some good and have an idea how – look for ways to implement it, if you wish to reap the benefits – take part in sowing the crops; if you want to be part of a whole – don’t just think about yourself!


Аrtur Grigorian © Gra