A weak wrist is a common enemy of many contestants all over the world. Even top armwrestlers may not realize that at some point in time the wrist is much weaker than the rest of the arm. The balance of power between forearm, arm and wrist can be easily disturbed, and wrist is very often the key to victory.
Why does this happen?
When taking first steps into armwrestling, a contestant determines what style they’re going to use. This further determines the style of training, supplementation, diet and exercise. This is reflected in their training plan, their favorite exercises, etc. It’s a noticeable fact that in many cases the wrist exercises are the least favorite. The favored exercises are the ones that build forearm and arm mass. But that leaves the wrist very much behind in terms of strength. And a weak wrist can lead to many injuries, which in turn make any training impossible. So in fact, a wrist injury takes a contestant out of the game completely. The point of this article is to show you exercises that everyone should perform individually. Study the photos and descriptions of common mistakes resulting from ignoring the wrist.
Warming up
The muscles and tendons in the wrist are thin and often very short. Before an intensive training this are needs a thorough warm up. Be advised – if the wrist sustains any injury and there is pain, the training should stop immediately. If one has to train, limit the weight to a minimum, at the same time increasing the number of reps. And that only if the pain is not constant and acute, or if the pain stops when doing reps with small weights. However, in this case it is inadvisable to increase the weight.
The warm up consists of at least two sets with small weights before every exercise (15-25 reps per set). This will increase the blood flow and joint lubrication with fluid.
It is very important during the training to note the range of movement of the wrist and perform exercises properly, to make your wrist strong.
- Avoid extremes when moving the wrist to any sides
- Increase weight slowly, to avoid injury
- Exercise wrist no more than two times a week
- Exercise wrist with maximum weight no more than once a week
- The last two sets with maximum weight should be performed as static holds
- Perform each exercise with precision and care
- Large weights don’t always make wrists stronger
Wrist supination using weights and straps
Recommended sets / reps – 6 – 7 sets, 6 – 15 reps. Notice the position of strap and hand.
Wrist lifts with hammer grip, using weights and straps
Forearm is placed firmly on the tabletop. 6 – 7 sets, 10 – 15 reps. Notice that the strap is placed on the finger jonits.
Wrist bends with fat grip and regulated pulley
Elbow is placed on the table top. 6 – 8 sets, 6 – 10 reps. Notice that only the wrist should be engaged in this exercise.
Wrist pronation with weights and straps
Forearm and arm rested on the table top. 5 – 7 sets, 8-10 reps. Notice the hand and strap position.
Bicep pulls with hammer grip, using regulated pulley, straps and half-table
5-7 sets, 6-10 reps.
Generally this exercise targets mainly the bicep. But with proper placement of the strap on finger joints one can test one’s wrist strength. Many a time a contestant has lost a fight, despite a strong bicep. The real reason for their loss was their weak wrist. This test can show one how strong the wrist really is.
Proper position of the strap for this exercise.
Notice that the strap is wound directly on the finger joints.
Wrist lifts
Forearm is placed on inner thigh. 6-8 sets, 4-10 reps. Notice the placement of the forearm on the thigh.
Wrist lifts with hammer grip
Elbow is placed on table top. 4-5sets, 8-12 reps. Notice the range of the movement.
Wrist pronation with weights
Elbow is placed on table top. 4 – 5 sets, 8-12 reps. Notice the range of the movement.
Wrist bends with fat grip and regulated pulley
Elbow rested on the half-table. Other hand keeping the forearm in place, preventing bicep engagement. 5-6 sets, 6-12 reps. Notice the range of the movement.
Wrist supination using universal machine
5-7 sets, 8-12 reps. Notice the range of the movement.
Below you’ll find a couple examples of weak wrist during fights.
Too little exercise with hammer grip caused the wrist to fall and placed Piotr Bartosiewicz in a losing position during his last pro match.
Very clear advantage of bicep over wrist, resulting from improper training. This often results in injury.
In this situation Beata Stelmaszczuk lacked supination strength.
The right – hand contestant has a visibly weak wrist, causing him to lose control over the fight.
A strong supinating movement caused Krystian Kruszyński’s wrist to unbend during a pro match.