When he was little, he wanted to be a fireman. Now he teaches physical education, he’s a personal coach and, of course, an armwrestler.
He started training in 1999, he was looking for his place in the world.
- It was a bad time in my life, I was looking for some sort of outlet, a safety valve – says Wagner Bortolato, Brazilian armwrestler. - I knew I was strong, I looked around for a strength sport and found armwrestling. I also liked it because of the Sylvester Stallone movie.
At first Wagner had a lot of trouble with technique, coordination and strength development.
- The basics for my development were all the tournaments I started in – says Wagner. - The most exciting ones were the internationals, always very high-level.
He was four-times champion of the world, twice the vice-champion, once placed 3rd and was also 3rd in Nemiroff 2013. He placed 2nd in the Arnold Classic in Ohio, he was two times Brazil and South American Arnold champ, and he is 16 times champion of Brazil in armwrestling.
- Titles matter to him as much as other things in life: family, fans, opponents, work, friends, victories, losses, enemies, God… It all matters to me, makes my life important – says Wagner. - It makes me create new goals for myself, making my life and the life of people close to me good and pleasant. I had many great moments in my life, I ‘m grateful for that.
He is very determined in everything he does.
- I don’t tolerate quitting – says Wagner. – I know that the biggest achievements always have the biggest obstacles. When I started training I decided I would be a winner despite the losses, a wise optimist. I will never give up. The older I get, the more I’ll fight, for myself and my fans. I want to be on top of the world, and the obstacles just make the journey more interesting.
Iza Małkowska