A list of things useful in armwrestling >>>

A list of things useful in armwrestling # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

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I’ve been armwrestling for about a year and a half now. When Igor Mazurenko first visited us for a training, he told us what to do to practice armwrestling. It turned out we weren’t doing it. So let me list here the things a rookie needs to stop being a rookie after a year and a half of training.

1.Arms. Seriously people, strange things can happen :)

2.Head. Everyone should have one – beginner, coach, gym mates. Start slow, adapt your body to weights for a first month and a half, train at a regular gym. It doesn’t matter if you had some experience with strength sports before – armwrestling engages very specific muscle groups, joints and working angles. Train with small weights to avoid injury (both physical and mental). Why? A girl once visited our club. After working out with the mechanical arm, she never came back.

3.Coach. Doesn’t have to be an armwrestling fanatic, just a good teacher. The coach determines the level of the trainee’s involvement, the proper form of performing the exercises. A good coach should never say “do I really need to demonstrate this to everyone time after time?”.

4.Motivation. Tied to the previous point. A coach needs to see his trainee not only as a bundle of muscle, but also as a person. Especially when they want their trainees to progress further than regional level.

5.Pen and notepad. Allows you to know your body better, balance your weights. With a sports diary (very important for women) you can calculate your body’s stamina, prepare for tournaments, regenerate properly.

6.Iron. Some contestants prepare using a regular gym, but it always pays to have some special equipment. For example – we don’t have a pulley with half-table, but we have a gate machine and a table. Using those we can create a silver medal champion of the world.


This list was created from experience, although some details have not been specified. The clue of this article was that a world-famous fighter-coaches was instructed to write down the important things in armwrestling. Lets see what comes of it :)

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Anastazja Kisilyova