Work your biceps with Tomasz Szewczyk >>>

Work your biceps with Tomasz Szewczyk # Armwrestling #

According to Tomasz Szewczyk, biceps are every armwrestler’s key weapon. In this article we present to you Tomasz’s training and tips – how to work your biceps for strength and prepare them to fight.




The key to biceps work is warm-up. All armwrestling exercises are quarter-movements (short range), demanding a lot of work. Dumbbell warm-up should be performed with full-range movement. Tomek warms up with 10 – 12 kg weights, 3 – 4 sets.

Undergrip bicep curls


Elbow on prayer bench. Quarter-movement from straight angle upwards. 5 – 7 sets, increase weights so that you can perform only 2-3 reps in the last sets, maximum weight. Tomek does last set with 85kg, 2 reps with holding at the end of set.

Underhand bicep curls, both hands


The best bicep exercise for Tomek – prayer bench combined with regulated pulley. Elbows on the bench. Quarter-movement from straight angle upwards. Weights allowing for 6-8 reps in 5-6 sets.

Undergrip biceps pulldowns


Elbow rested on half-table. Pulldowns performed with armwrestling grip. Cable attached in lower position. Pull towards working shoulder. Weights allowing for 4-5 sets, 6-8 reps.

Sideways pulldowns on regulated pulley


Exercise similar to previous one, this one puts more emphasis on forearm and wrist. Elbow on half-table, cable attached in upper setting. Pull across chest, towards non-working arm. Weights allowing for 4-5 sets, 6-8 reps.

Sideways biceps pulldowns on regulated pulley


Pull across chest, towards non-working arm. Try to pull with arm only, without using body weight. Elbow on half-table, cable attached in upper or middle setting. Weights allowing for 4-5 sets, 6-8 reps.