Specialized armwrestling exercises >>>

Specialized armwrestling exercises # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

According to the practitioners’ needs and skills, we need to choose specialized exercises with three categories in mind.


When I first noticed armwrestling, I realized that the training in this discipline is very different than in any other. Since the moment armwrestling took roots in Poland I’ve been looking for and trying to pass on different exercises and methods helpful in becoming a champion.
Recently the world of strength training has been dominated by specialized exercises performed with help of machines. We’ll use the example of Grzegorz Nowak from Gdynia to show you a “road to success” through specialized armwrestling exercises. Grzegorz is an ideal example of utilizing regular gym equipment in armwrestling training.

Adequately chosen specialized training allowed this contestant great successes in “VII Professionals’ World Cup – Nemiroff World Cup 2009” (3rd place in super heavy weight) and “X Polish Cup” (winner of OPEN, right hand).

What is specialized training?
It’s every training consisting of exercises tailored especially to a particular discipline of sport. In armwrestling these are mainly exercises simulating a real fight situation. Three categories need to be applied when constructing such a training:
specialized strength training
specialized stamina training
specialized speed training

Specialized strength training definitely comes to the fore here. Strength decides on how a contestant fights and how they win. Below you’ll find some specialized exercises to give you power in angles as well as in side pressure. I’d like to point out here that Grzegorz Nowak increases his stamina greatly along with his strength. Reducing the weight used in training, and increasing the time of the hold, we strengthen our muscular stamina, thus teaching our tendons to take more strain.

Grzegorz used to focus a lot on the wrist during his training. He put bicep curls a little to the side. You could see his Ukrainian opponent’s, Andrey Pushkar’s, advantage over Grzegorz in “Professionals’ World Cup – Nemiroff World Cup 2009” in the bicep angles.
Here’s a couple of exercises that Grzegorz used to prepare himself for the competition.


Specialized wrist lifts are different from regular ones in that it utilizes a special dumbbell, with a decentralized weight center. Elbow is rested on the table top. Biceps is kept tense, 90 degrees angle between forearm and arm. Choose weights allowing for 30 seconds hold, 8 – 10 reps.
The advantage of this exercise is that it strengthens the wrist and also powers up the forearm – arm angle. The decentralized weight also targets fingers. Fighters using offensive styles (fighting from “lost” position) or hook should use this exercise on a regular basis.


Elbow rested on table top. Exercise closely simulates fighting over the top. Table elements (especially legs) allow for extra leverage. Choose weights allowing for 8 – 12 reps. Tense wrist is a good indication of adequate weight choice. If the wrist cannot hold the weight, decrease weight.



Supinator exercise using dumbbell. Elbow rested on table top. Elbow is rested on the table top. Biceps is kept tense, 90 degrees angle between forearm and arm. Choose weights allowing for 30 seconds hold, 8 – 12 reps.
Notice that weights are placed unevenly on the dumbbell, increasing tension in the direction of the movement.



Specialized pronator exercise using an angled dumbbell. Elbow is rested on the table top. Biceps is kept tense, 90 degrees angle between forearm and arm. Choose weights allowing for 30 seconds hold, 10 – 12 reps. Exercise very important for over-the-top fighters.

Igor Mazurenko