Ivan Matiuszenko, Zelimzan Ibrahimov, Imir Agashirinov, Ildar Aleksinderov are named as the main favourities in mans' open category at Anas tournament. It may be said that the womans' competition will be interesting as well. Alina Samatoy, Olga Gavrilova, Sophia Ahmetgaraeva i Victoria Voronina will take part in it. The two-days tournament starts in 29 of March in Chistopol in Tatarstan.
The mentioned favourities represent the very top of Russian athletes. Accordingly to the high rank of the tournament the financial prizes are: 1 600 USD for first place in mans' open category, 1000 USD for the second and 650 USD for the third. One can say Anas bacomes one of the most important tournaments in Russian Federation.
This year Anas is the fith one. The torurnament has a laudable social mission. It is to promote a fair sport rivalry among a young people of Tatarstan. Its name comes from the name of a Chistopol mosque foundator and a foundator of the tournament's prizes. Though the contest's mission is related to a faith, it is not organized for muslims only. Formerly the tournament was palnned as a neighbouring cities competition. It reached the national level very soon. Athletes from 20 distant regions of Russian Federation are going to take part in the Anas this year.
Anas Tournament
Date: 29-30 of March 2014
Place: Chistopol, MKDK Lenina 17, Republic of Tatarstan
Registration and wigh-in 28 of March 2014 from 3 p.m.
Start of the competition: 29 of March 2014, 10 a.m.