Dom Glinski: “A cold shower helps” >>>

Dom Glinski: “A cold shower helps” # Armwrestling #

How do Polish armwrestlers regenerate? Read on!


What technique do you use?

I use inward hook, though when I was a beginner, I used to fight over the top.

Your three favorite exercises?

Sideways pulls on a regulated pulley, rope climbing and sparring with a partner. The first of those allows me to imitate the technique that I use and each of its elements, from bending the wrist to whole body work at the table. The second exercise is a great all-rounded workout for the grip strength and angles (short angles – I try to keep my arms as close to my body as possible when I climb). The third exercise allows me to train various defenses and attacks – the more partners with different grips, the better.

Have you had any injuries?

Nothing serious. Just regular pains in tendons, ligaments and elbow fastenings.

Your ways to recuperate?

A cold shower always does me well, and also cold compresses right after training. The worst injury I had was an inflammation of finger joint. I healed it by just laying off the training for a couple of weeks and using supplements to regenerate the connective tissue.

