Training contest: Mroczkowski and Rishko - 3rd place >>>

Training contest: Mroczkowski and Rishko - 3rd place # Armwrestling #

Today we present to you the training ideas of Mariusz Mroczkowski and Alexander Rishko.


I’m Mariusz Mroczkowski and the dark-haired guy is my training partner, Alexander Rishko. We’ve been working together for almost a year now. We’ve started armwrestling on a sewing machine, but with time we’ve built ourselves a nice little gym, fully functional for armwrestling trainings. We have a professional table, we’ve even organized a local competition.

Our training gives us constant progress – we have fought in the Polish Amateur Championships and won bronze and silver in right arm. I’ve also won right arm in Błonie (amateurs).

Our training is divided between three days:

First day is pulley work, working angles and polishing technique.




Second day is typical strength training with free weights. We do all exercises in 5 sets of 15 – 6 reps, sometimes we do a 6th set of 4 reps.




The third day we always do sparring, which we love (it’s hard to tear ourselves away from the table). Each of us works their technique, sometimes more guys come to visit and spar too.


If one of us has to work out alone, we do isometrics (ex. - dumbbell static holds on prayer bench for time).

The remaining days we work out the rest of our bodies.