Training contest: Patryk Weterle - 1st place ex aequo... >>>

Training contest: Patryk Weterle - 1st place ex aequo... # Armwrestling #

Your training propositions, sent to us until the end of April.


My training takes 4 hours.

I train 3 times a week – Mon, Wed, Fri.

When preparing for tournaments, my training gets very intensive, because I have to work my stamina up.

My training is planned by my coach, Artur Głowiński, sometimes he also helps me perform exercises – I’m disabled, I cannot perform some exercises by myself. We just switch some of them for other exercises and that works great.

How is a disabled persons’ training different? First and foremost I do all the exercises seated, while fully able fighters exercise standing up.

Then there’s the matter of the pullup bar – my mates from the club have to help onto it.

Also, someone always has to help me with weights and the table – I’m used to it already.


5 minutes of rowing on the ergometer warms up every muscle, while stretching muscle too.

Pull-ups – 4 sets to failure, 2 sets with wide grip (overgrip), 2 sets with close grip (undergrip)

After warm-up

Pulldowns on regulated pulley with fat grip (I called them chest pulldowns with fat bun). 4 sets, progression from 15 to 5 reps.

Biceps in angle on prayer bench, flat surface, 4 sets, progression 15 – 5 reps.

Triceps on table with judo belt. 4 sets, progression 15 – 5 reps.


Mechanical arm, brilliant machine, allows to perform 4 exercises in one. Over the top, side pressure, triceps attack and defense. 4 sets, progression from 15 to 8 reps.


The combined machine is great for finger strength and grip. 4 sets, progression from 15 to 5 reps, with 20 seconds’ hold every 5 reps.

Chest presses, free weights and machine, 4 sets from 15 – 4 reps. This helps holding with your chest during the fight.