What’s the future going to be like for “clean” armwrestlers? >>>

What’s the future going to be like for “clean” armwrestlers? # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

Pharmacological underground or “clean” sport?


As we all know, in amateur armwrestling drug control is used at European and world championships. Some people would like to see them at national levels. But in most countries, drug control is just non-existent. The interesting question is - does that encourage people at national levels to use drugs? I’ve decided to ask the sportsmen themselves.

Alexander Iberzov, 27 years old:

You can usually easily spot the juicers. But you still can’t beat hard work and dedication! Natural, clean sport’s been around for a long time. I often feel sad at tournaments, but I still think that the “clean” way is only power and stamina. No matter how long it takes to get there!

Alexey Lobeev, 21 years old:

I’ve been in armwrestling for a short time, but I’ve already noticed many people doing “chemistry” at an early stage of their career. They want everything all at once, which is impossible in armwrestling, especially with drug control. And without it …

Dmitry Bondarovich, 22:

I’m just starting my armwrestling career. I want to share one thing. I started training with two friends, One of them said that it’s difficult to get anywhere without chemistry, because everyone’s doing it now. In a space of few months this friend progressed as much as is possible and left the two of us “clean” guys way behind. I cannot bend his arm, even though we weigh the same. So what motivation is that – working your behind off an still losing to pharmacology?

Valentin Novik, 17 years old:

I don’t believe that nature’s given me a genetic makeup for armwrestling. So I know that with chemistry I’ll progress much faster than without. But I don’t want false achievements. Everyone has their own way of thinking about drugs, and we each make our own choices, with all their consequences.


I’m tired with there being no drug control in Belarus. I’m clean and I want to be sure I’m fighting clean guys like me. I train hard, I give everything to reach my goals, like becoming Master of Sports for example. But practice shows I’m standing in one place. Yes, my indicators are growing steadily, but at the same time more and more “dirty” people show up and I cannot face them. How do I know they’re using? Well, isn’t it strange when a guy who’s never shown a good fight suddenly shoots into the “elite” in his category, after half a year of training? But despite winning national they don’t want to go international – why? Because of drug control! Motivation and experience are keeping me in armwrestling, but beginners who see this kind of thing either give up or start juicing right away to catch up. Everyone wants to win, but it’s hard in such conditions.

This year drug control has been introduced in Russia at national levels. And not by coincidence, as we can see: many have been caught before entering the arena, a cleansing has begun.

The question of irregularities in drug control in Russia is no longer an issue in Russia in 2014 – says RAA PR official, Ivan Dobrorezov. – RAA is keeping their word, which has been shown by this year’s Russian Championships. All the announced tests were done. I’m sure that amateur sports will soon be “cleaned up”. Longer test times will help with that too. No one will be able to train “dirty” and get into the championships. We all know sad cases of people who stopped using nearly a year before a tournament and were still caught. I know that in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan there is no drug control at national levels and sportsmen can do whatever they like.

What’s the future going to b for “clean” armwrestlers, especially the beginners? Will they be motivated enough to avoid temptation? How to fight drugs? In Belarus, bonds with WADA can be built, but how to finance testing? In many countries armwrestling is subsidized by the state. But without the money, there is no control, and without control – there are no limits.

Artur Grigorian