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Upside down # Armwrestling #

What were the most important events in the lives of young armwrestlers?


Alexandra Ozerova

For me sport was a very important event, of course. I’ve loved it since childhood; it shaped my character and discipline, my drive towards my goals. Since I was little I always ran, jumped, I liked every kind of exercise. When I first saw armwrestling, I fell in love with it for the rest of my life. Everyday training has not brought the expected results, so I quit a couple of times, but I always came back – my legs took me to the gym without the brain noticing, and my arms did the rest of the work. When power left me, stamina kicked in. Then came good results, first medals and achievements, more and more intensive trainings.

When you’re standing on a podium in another country, holding your flag, you see everyone is proud, you see tears of joy. The feeling cannot be described! It cannot be bought – it can only be worked for, hard and true.

Sports have made my life colorful and happy. I cannot imagine being a different person – a poet or artist. At the age of 22 I’ve traveled half the world, met many people, learned a lot of stories and met many friends. I’ve broadened my horizons! I’ve never dreamed of tournaments and travels when I was little, living in a small village. A whole wide world opened before me, independent of money and social status. Only character counts here, and love and respect. I’ve realized that a person should live with dignity, leave a good memory and be good for others.

The other event was the birth of my nephew, Little Prince Maxim. When I saw him, I felt warmth and light inside. I’m sure Max will want to be a champion, like his aunt.


Anastasia Goncharenko

The most important day of my life was when my father and mother met. I don’t know what exactly happened that day, but I’m very happy it did.

But seriously, it was the moment I found the gym. That’s where my fate was decided. I like fighting, winning. As a consequence, first medals arrived. Even small victories are great, because they’re mine. And I hope for more.

Anastazja Kisilyova