Khadzimurat Zoloyev: “I’m waiting to get back in shape” >>>

Khadzimurat Zoloyev: “I’m waiting to get back in shape” # Armwrestling #

Why wasn’t Khadzimurat in the European Championships, and where can we see him?


Khadzi, please tell me why you werent in the European Championships?

Its because I got injured at the gym. I got back to training after the Russian Championships, and after one workout Ive decided to spar at a table. The Europeans were coming soon, the TOP 16, the A1, so I wanted to be prepared. My sparring partner was 85 kg, I let him attack and I started to pull. My hook was a little weak, so I wanted to pull him up. When I started pulling towards the pad, I felt something in my neck snap. I couldnt move my neck for two weeks, not to mention training. Ive done tests and the doctors told me that Ive got chondrosis, that the nerve is squashed, and all sorts of other stuff I couldnt understand.

Why did you lose so much weight?

I just havent been working out for two months. I cant even lift 10 kilos. I warm up with light weights, and the next day my neck hurts like hell. Today I feel pain even when Im talking. I was scared to write the article, that my fans would say Im on chemistry or something. But everyone is very supportive and they all wish me well. I cant wait to get back in shape, there are many tournaments that I want to take part in, but in my present condition I can barely start at regional levels.

Will you be able to get back in shape for the World Championships?

I think so but I have to start working.

And what do the doctors say? Do you need any serious intervention?

Theyve already given me loads of medicine. Ive decided that if it didnt start working by the end of this week, Ill try physiotherapy. The doctors told me that some treatments cannot be used at this point in time, because the vertebrae in the neck section of the spine are very delicate and it could hurt a disc. Not worth the risk.

I had the first attack in January, before the Russian Championships. Hurt for a week and then I got back to training. But recently it snapped again and it wont let go. Lets hope itll turn out ok and I can get prepared.

The Zoloev family never ceases to surprise us. Spartak has entered the scene now, and hes way better than many other sportsmen.

We do our best to keep thebrandat high level.

Is the youngest one going to fight too?

He had a taste of the sport, but now hes into football. We are four brothers, the third one is in the military now, and he also armwrestles. Well see when he gets out of service, will he fight or will he immerse himself in work.

When do you want to get back to training?

Ill rest and heal for about two weeks. My whole spine hurts now, but Im getting used to it.

How much weight did you lose?

I havent lost weight, I still weigh 79 kg, only my muscles have shrunk a bit.

What are your plans after regeneration?

I want to get to the A1, I always do. But Im still not 100 % sure that I will. If the injury still holds, I wont enter the OPEN, where you really have to go all out. Some people from across the ocean are coming, it will be interesting.

Igor Mazurenko