Alexey Semerenko: "We were on the same conditions" >>>

Alexey Semerenko: "We were on the same conditions" # Armwrestling #

Well-known heavyweight arrmwrestler won World Armwrestling Leaguechampionship, which took place in Bulgaria.


Alexey, tell us your impressions after the tournament.

It was a great event. We were greeted very warmly and we fought well. An organization of the championship was at the highest level, all the action took place in the magnificent complex of the resort town Elenite. We had good fights and good rest!

I believe that such tournaments will certainly help to promote armwrestling among the athletes and spectators. This is confirmed - hall in which we fought was full. For armwrestlers there was also a highlight – a good prize fund. There is a huge Nemiroff, there come to a lot of sportsmen and everything is on a high standard.There are pretty tough fights. But I think some "friendly" tournaments like this should be too, it can help sportsman to earn good money.

Tell us more about the system of championship.

In this championship we fought each with each. We were on an equal footing. A sportsman was awarded with a certain number of points, in accrual method which I do not really understand. But in general, the average result is taken into account. For example, I took second place at the right and left hand. Wagner Bortolato was first on the left, but sixth on the right. Mehdi Abdolvand was first on the right, but the fifth on the left. And the average results said that I was awinner.

What can you say about the level of armwrestlers? Your rivals were not little boys...

I was surprised that on the right hand Bortolato began to fight toproll. But I think that if he continued to do the usual tactics, he would have even worseplace. And so he improvised.

Mehdi Abdolvand to made false starts on the right hand. We fought behind the scenes and I was able to hold him. At the end of fights Mehdi told me that even though he won, I was stronger.

It is also interesting happened with Wagner Bortolato. Jan Zolcinski won Bortolato and I won Zolcinski. When we met at the table, Bortolato started earlier, I managed to catch him, but I did not take a comfortable position. Therefore, I decided to make an elbow foul. But referee gave me a defeat instead of a foul. I was surprised.

Organizers made nice awards ceremony. At the first place I was handed a cup, and for the second and third sportsmen received commemorative shells (laughs –author).

Overall, I was left with a good impression. But these tournaments are like a sauna: happy, but tired and sleepy.

What are your plans for future?

I do not know yet. I will not go at the UkraineCup. I don’t want to interrupt someone to get "Master of Sports".