Deadlifts and squats in armwrestling. The scientific view continued >>>

Deadlifts and squats in armwrestling. The scientific view continued # Armwrestling #

This is the last part of our series on deadlifts and squats in armwrestling.


Answering our questions is Andrey Antonov.

Armwrestlers who train their arms separately, make a big mistakesays Andrey Antonov.Muscle growth is limited by quantity of hormones in blood, and is independent from the number of sets and reps. Thats why modern science recommends combining basic, multi-joint exercises with isolations of small muscle groups, with basics at the start of workouts. After a workout like this, the hormone levels are the highest, and absorption into muscles is the most effective.

But wait! What about disabled sportsmen? Not all of them can do basic exercises.

In armwrestling, the disabled can do basics for the target muscle groupsays Antonov.That is presses (standing or bench), deadlifts and vertical pulls. These exercises cause huge hormonal injections. On the days of those exercises, one should also do arms. When you have no other basics planned for a particular day, do deadlifts, no more than 2-3 sets. Thats how you get those hormones pumping into your muscles, via blood. Thats the whole role of deadlifts and squats, nothing more. Roman Grizzly, Vladimir Krupennikov , Ruslan Mammadovall disabled sportsmen, all winners of Worlds and Europeans against healthy opponents. None of them did deadlifts or squats, because of their disabilities. But that didnt stop them from winning.

Please remember, that were talkingcleanathletes only here. No amount of physical strain can achieve the quantity of hormones produced by anabolic steroids. And with steroid users, theres no need for additional, hormone-producing exercises. Isolations are enough in their case.

Artur Grigorian