AAF and PAL to create a national team of the United States Armwrestling to participate in the World Games! >>>

AAF and PAL to create a national team of the United States Armwrestling to participate in the World Games! # Armwrestling # Armpower.net

In 2015, thanks to the efforts of the International Armwrestling Federation for Disabled (IAFD), athletes with disabilities will be able to put two major records in their careers. They will be able to participate in the World Games for the Disabled in Sochi and the World Championships in Poland.


In 2015, thanks to the efforts of the International Armwrestling Federation for Disabled (IAFD), athletes with disabilities will be able to put two major records in their careers. They will be able to participate in the World Games for the Disabled in Sochi and the World Championships in Poland. But the prize, which will receive the World Games participants regardless of their results - the entry to the Paralympic family.

As previously reported, two global Disabled armwrestling events will take place in 2015 - the World Armwrestling Championship for the disabled and the World Games for the disabled under the auspices of IWAS (International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation).

American Armwrestling Federation in conjunction with the Professional Armwrestling League USA announced that one of its priority goals in 2015 will be creation of the US National Armwrestling team for Disabled. Moreover, this team will take part in the World Games 2015, thus becoming part of Paralympic family, as well as get a chance to win the highest world title by taking part in the World Armwrestling Championship for Disabled 2015 in Poland.

In this connection, will be held preliminaries in the following cities:

May 1-2 - Orlando;

June 19-20 - Dallas;

August 29-30 - Atlantic City.

Also American Armwrestling Federation assists athletes with disabilities to raise funds to travel to the World Games and World Championships.

To find out more information about registration and support, please contact 

Denise Wattles by e-mail: dmwatts99@gmail.com