Armwrestling Academy: first tests started!!! >>>

Armwrestling Academy: first tests started!!! # Armwrestling #

The world's first Armwrestling Academy, which recently started its work on the basis of the main office of World Armwrestling Championship Inc. (WAC) in Las Vegas, NV, began testing athletes on the revolutionary equipment Mazurenko ARM (Angle Rush Meter).


Such testing makes it possible to calculate athletes’ training plans with mathematical precision to guarantee a breakthrough in power indicators. Today in armwrestling Academy held the first test of the athlete - a member of the US National team Oleg Kasatkin. Athlete tested his muscle groups power rates specifically for «hook» fighting style. Testing lasted for two and a half hours, but the course of the test was not completed due to the fatigue of the athlete. Nevertheless, the results of testing already allowed to make remarkable adjustments to his training process.