From bodybuilding to armwrestling, pt.3 >>>

From bodybuilding to armwrestling, pt.3 # Armwrestling #

The final part of a story of the bodybuilder turned armwrestler.


It is possible to transfer from bodybuilding to armwrestling, as proven by Grzegorz Lukashevsky. In his opinion, it doesn't matter who you were, but who you are and how strong your character and motivation are.

If there is no psychological barrier, there will be no physical one. This is what Grzegorz thinks as he's preparing for the next tournament in February. If he's not ready for that one, the next chance will come in spring. Winter is a time of preparation for him. He does noty concern himself with losses.

I push forward, despite failures – says the fresh armwrestler. - Of course, armwrestling is not as popular as bodybuilding, but I feel this is my place now. That's why I ignore my bodybuilding friends, who cannot comprehend my passion for armwrestling. In their opinion, it's too much of an injury-risk sport. I still go on though, even though armwrestling training is much, much harder than bodybuilding or powerlifting.

At the beginning of November, Grzegorz took part in a regional powerlifting contest. Without any special preparations, he took 1st place in his weight category. He was the strongest that day. Squats – 227, deadlifts – 224, pressing - 143, at 110 kg of weight.

I'm certain armwrestling makes me stronger – says Grzegorz. - It was especially noticable during deadlifts. Previously, my fingers could't handle 224 kg, and now it's almost no strain at all. Armwrestling gives me a purpose, a sense of strenght. I haven't felt that when I was doing bodybuilding.

Grzegorz wants the best of both worlds – to remain a big, muscular guy in great shape, but also learn all armwrestling techniques.

I cannot call myself a bodybuilder anymore – says Grzegorz. - I'm more of a cross-discipline sporstman. Modern bodybuilding annoys me. Unbelievable doses of steroids, mirror-generated narcissism, monotony and boredom. If you have never changed your mind once in life, you have never grown. I've changed my priorities and decided to develop as armwrestler. There's a lot of work ahead of me, especially on technique, but i still have time. And I laugh at those who say it's too late to start over. Armwrestling is like chess with using strenght. And I'm quite good at chess.

Artur Grigorian